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The Doctrines of this Chapter. Godby the Gofell caller) we to the hope ofeternal! glory. VVee should therefore reckon upon it, endcome to the word to heart god call us to bu glory. Verfc s. eA/l the 'Perform are each , Lord but Chriftis.efpectall manner. 7 his ought to be a band of Vnity to its that weferve but one Lord. Hon Faith is one. There is but one doílrine of the true Churches ofC)riff Howwe accord with Catholique An- How our differencesdifanall not 'Unity in the faith. This Viral ought o. keep w inConcord. HowBaptiftue is one. Our Baptifine is a bandof 'Unityto w. Verfe 6. It muff move wto Concord, becaufe we have allone Father. 2No agreementfirme which is not faun- dedon the Vnityofour Lord, Faith, Fa-' ther. Papiifs 3 bands of'lnityfalfe and fri- volity. God overloekerh all things at beingpre- fort every where. But be is morefpecialy in the faithfrill. Verle 7. everyChriflian bathhufeverallgrace. Theperfeftion ot.Chaff the Head ap- pearetb in the manifold grace: zinnias members. YYemutt beofsefeere to .pother. Andlifeour grate to Cods glory. VVemuff cleave one to another that we may h41.4the benefit ofone another: gra- ces. Since wehave our graces ofgift , wee muff be thankfull and humble. Every Chriftian bathbut his feastftsg ofgraces. HowChriff receivedgrace, Howwereceive it. Premuff not undertake matters above ouruesajuteofgrace, tilt grace is received from (brill. Chrìftsfulneffe and bountymuffmaw- rage m. in our greateff fnfalneffe to come to Foregoingpreparations no can of bra t The nearer to Chilli the faller ofgr.., e , Verle 8. VVhat afcerding u. Chrill aft-ended in both natures andhow. i VYhat is the leading of captivity cap- tive. The takingofthe Fathers out of limbo, which mere before thrift, u a able. Minotiersought to broach no doll risses, but whatthey can prove out of the Scrip- tures. j The authority ofthe Scriptures, Chrill hisafcenfon was realland noton- ly a vanilhing out of fight. VVe have our enemies fuppref(ed by Chnflsefcenfion, From whom, being freed wee are the more freely toferve God, and to be fecure andofgood comfort egeinfttheir ofu,lts. VVee muff looke to Chrifis, vi/lory by Faith to prevail( againfl them. aria. on y theconquerer ofour mimics. YVeare enrichedwithgifts by and upon ¿brills afcenfion, Chriftr bodily abfence isbeneficialitow. Verle 9. A threefolddefcending may be aferibed to Chrill. Chrifis defeendinginto the lowefl parts ofthe earth is his lying in the grave. Againft Clirifi:locall d,feending into hell. Threeheavens. In which heaven aryl is. Chrifi doth fill his whole Church with gofos. Brit not allplaceswithhis bodilyprejence. thrifts afcenfien locali. great abafements in Godspeople precede their exaltation. VYemuff thenlearne Patience in affli_ ition. Verle to. Thegreateff ofliEtions in Godschildren turne to theirgreateffglory. Let them therefore wayte the more pa- tient1 Chhri/radvancement mull be curjoy. (krill keeps not his graces to himfelfit, but dohcommunicate them to his. Soought we to endeavour tofillothers of curf!ore. YYe