The Doctrines of this Chapter. irVe mull take comfort in our wants thawChrift hath wherewith to fill at. Verfe t i, VVhoApofflet. TheirProperties. VVho Prophets. VVho Evangelijl. Theirproperties. VVho Pafiors. VVho Teachers. Thefe orders di f ferin degree. Ofthefè fume only temporary. ellsnamely the Apafilos. VVho are fucceeded unto in preaching the word, whonot, in theproper priviledges ofan Apoffle. Some Popi(hobjeftions anfwered. Miniftersare Chrijtsgift. Hointoto know thofe Mini.lfers whom Chrijfgiveth in mercy. Threeforts of Minijlers. What andhowfach asare ofChrift doe teach. Though the worldbafely account offuch, yet we muff highlyejfeern of them. The dutyofPallor, urged. Batik example ofapplying himfelfe rather to edification then [peculation. Theminiftery is not acommongift to all. Anabaptijts confuted. Chri/tgivethdivers gifts for the good of his Church. It reproveth fajfidious fleighters ofmen notgifted totheir mind. eflllforts ofgifts are to be reverenced. Ordinary Minijiersare ofCl/rift aswell asextraordinary. Some difference between them. Verle is. The preachingofthe wordferveth to re- payre our ruines. VVremull Waite on it for that purpofe. Andpropound that endw comming toit. Cods people onely are benefitted by the word. Ir isau illfigneif living under the mi- nijlery wefind rot our [ogleshealed. The minifteryis a laboriouscalling. It fhould bridle haft' [miters for beni- ficet. The Minifter is worthy of his mainte- nance. Chrifl is the endof the miniftery. ' And it is to bringus to Chrift, Verfe 13. AthreefoldmeetingoftheSaints. Vnity of faith is oar uniforme know_ ledge of Chrijt in heaven, What is a perfectman, eAnd the ageofthefulnefe ofChri3ï, Theminiftery to to continue to the end. How Chrift doth?fillcontinue the mini. fiery, Vifibly, Invifibly, There willbena perfect unity ofknow- ledge in this world, It fhonldflay thofe that want, becaufe of thedifferenceof opinions, We (hall be broughtto it in the world to come, VVe (hall not bee perfect till wee meet Chrii, How allyet are unperfell. How we finRbe perfect. VVee are here but children and inour minority, VVeemull expel? eorreltion, And to receive butfain fluidportion ofour inheritance. And longfor enjoying thewhole, Verfe 14. It keepeth us fromwaveringto iiekto our Pallor,. VVee muff not be children inknowledge living under the miniftery, VVee are_apt inthis our childhood to bee carried about with everydoctrine. Three things which make children wa- vering. Children fometimesRandwhen old ones Íhake. VVee muff grow refolute inpoint of re- ligion, (Al-canes to become refolute. Falfe doctrine is windyfuffe, In three things it refembleth the wind. Oar inbred inconf?ancy is the caufe of our following everynewdollcine. Fall teachers are theDevillsinF?rm- ments to (educe, Meaner to defcryfalfe teachers, Verfe is. What it is togrow up inall things. What to grow up in Chrifl. We malt ftickto thetruth. Oarfollowing thetruth ineludeth three things. p p Many