-41 The Doctrines of this Chapter. Manyfaith] innotfollowing; andbow. VVe nee joyne love to followingofthe troth. Howforewemuffjitldto love in hol- ding thetruth, Wemuffgrow ingrate. We muff examine our film concern- ing ourgrowth. We mullgrow ineverygrace, It is anunfeemly thing not to grow in everygracepropyortionabl . We muß obferve what grace is mg defelfive, andfpecialljcber:jhhthat. Wemullgrowintodefer unionwithChrifl. To thisendwe muffoft renew ourfaith, The more wee walke on in Chrif, the faller we [hallbe rooted in him. Degrees oftaking root in Chriff. Verse How Cheiß is called a Head and the faithful!Members. The refemblance between Chriß, and the naturali head and the fords. aria is the beginner andincreafer of ourgrace. Chrift workethgraceinuo, as god, as man. YYee'holdfeektobe fullofChriji. YYee muff be joyned to Chriff before me can receivegracefrom him. A twofold being in Chrifl,byprofefon onelj, orby inward faith. get we this Vnion with him. Chriff worketh in us according to the placewehave inthe body. YYeemull increafe our grace wehave, andbuild xp others with it. .iifeanes to edifyoneanother. . God, the Minijler , andprivate Chri- fluans build the Church. But with difference. Love willpot exforward to edify others. Butfelfe.lovewill hinder us. Verle 17. t.Slfinifferswith Proteffation mull en. force the wales ofGod. VVe mull doe an good things in the Lords power, Our u lace which wee have inChrifl, mxjf avails withex to leave our oldwaits. Me mug not fiend our time after graceas wedid before. YYe muß recover our lofl time. Suchat are called to faith muff not bee Of the world. C3lfm dyers ms/1 call of the godlyfrom conforming to theworld, YYe mußnot be afraidto befingular. To walks afterour vaine minas ss hea- thenifh. Men aremore ledby theirowns likings, then gods word. All thecomps which the natural! man candevils, are vaine, Verse 18. VVe arebynaturefullofdarkneffe. Our darkneffe and ignorance is the cause we perceive it not. The Heathen had mooch knowledge in civilland natural! things, bat in ff»ruuall wereutterly blind. We are by naturevoydofthe lifeofGod, The life of .ggod is threefold. The lifeof nature is in fame fort the lifeofGod, Spirituall death Xi part hangeth on the faithful!, Ignorance debarres us fellowship with Godand his life. Our ignorant Oats isto be lamented. Hardneffèofheartdoch taufe blindneffe ofmind, andthatthree wayes. Hardne ffe ofheart is accompanied with many evills. Signes which conviti allof hardneffe of heart,more or lefts. How toget it cured, Verle I y. Confcience andthe work!ofit. Hard-heartedmenhave no feelinga for griefefortheirfnnes. Suchan(lime is tobefeared, It isgood tohave our consciences check us. An bard- heartedmanwilflick at nofin. Stop_lime in the beginning. Vnregeneratemen give then; félves to fnne,fodoe not thegody. A twofoldconsideration ofProne. Godg,vethmenupto it as it is a pu- nisbment, and that threewayes, God forefeeth fiinne, but is not the caxfeofit. Howmengiveup themfelves to [one. Smne isan unfatiable thing. Verse 20, True learning of Chriß willnotßand withworldly converfation. Verte 21.