The Dodrines of this Chapter. Verte zt. Thereis a double knowledgeof Chrlfl, literal! and fpirotnall, and the difference of them. VVe muff labour fer thefpirituall. Chrift onlycan teach us inwards by his Spirit. Verte 22. Theyhave truly learned Chrifi whode trulyfantîified. 'Irueholinefe muffbegin with patting awaycorruption. Theygoe towork thewrong way Which takenot this coterie. Such itsare inChriji rungput off their whole oldnature. What it is to put oftheoldman. The wayhow he is to be pat of. Thedegreesofputting himof e/ímancannot be inChrift who feeleth nochange inhimfelfe;norhewhoonly Tome_ what relormeth bon untoward eourfe ; nor he who is onlyreformed by halfen. VPho foputs ofinwardcorruptionymufl j pue ¡'.zfo evil!converfation. Sonfulllultscorrupt fouleand body. It is good to ta/e,eoiotice of our corrupt eftate,and toput it eft, andto abftainefrom theft loftswhich doefo corrupt us. 1 A+unregenerate man ra fullofevilkb. Z.inregencrate, men are deceived who think, they have but onlfome oneAnne, 1 Sinful! lollsare deceitfull. Verle e 3. 1'Vhat is meant by the fpirit ofthe mind. Truefchollers of Chrifl are renewed in their minds to the knowledgeofhim. The condition ofour knowledge in our Creation. This memoirfall isturnedinto darknes. Memull be received to know God in C$rill. Afanlíified illumination ofthe mindto know hod in Chrilt, is thefirft part ofour regeneration. Our bell part, viz,ourmind, is become corrupt. Verle 24. The difference between righteoufnefe and holinefe. VVha is holinefe of truth. Chrifisfchollers mull puton the newman What it is to put on the new Creature. The meaner whereby weget andtncreafe' in the new Creature, Thedegrees ofputtingon thenewCrea- ture. God is thepattern of the newCreature. Thingsare diverflyafter codsImage, The Image after which we arecreated, is not the SonneofGod incarnate. The new Creature flandeth in inward graces, not in outwardthings. The Image of Cjod wherein man war created, it notin thebody, nor in theoffence or f rcultyof thefoule, nor in dominionover the creatures. VVe mull not ref ixoutward duties, Such as are new Creatures are found andfincere. Signet ofanupright heart. Verte op. Chi-if-hammail avoid lying. What lying is. Concerning fportfallandofficious !Ise, 'Wearies tocure a lyingdifpofttion. Certain things which have femblance ofIyes,but are not. Wemull be careful!to fpeaktruth. What it is to (peak truth ; se incladetb three things. When truth is to be Spokenand not con- cealed. Our being fellow-membersmay! move ea tofpeakthe trut), Verfe 26. Be angry, is a commandement. Three degrees ofauger, It is lawfulorfamemeafitre to be angry. How to dtfcernoflawfulandholy anger. We muttnot be fetsfully angry. ^.1totesoffenfullanger. Meat.estoprevent finfallanger. VVemull not letanger ledge with sit. e4gainft fuchas hold anger long, Verfe 27. The more wegiveplace to any 'how, the morepower bath the devil! ofue. Degrees by which wegive plate to the devil!, Keepoutfnneas the devil! himfelfe. Count noAnsefmall, Thefearefull ellateof many who live trading withRune, nothing can free them but Gods Almightypewee Verle z8. The Gofpell rejelt < not men for what theyhave been, Chriflianstuna not fteale, There is a P p z /rofj'e