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110 The Doctrines of this Chapter. groffetheftanda clop theft, How this is committed, t, By un¡uß getting 'our neighbours goods. Bywithholding that which is ono' thers, 3. By endamaging our neighbour. Every manmuß imployhimfelfeinfante labour. Aping fuchas live idley and onlyfol- low their pleafures. Vire muß follow the labours ofour cal- lingus an obedienceoffaith. Ourcallings mußbe about good things andprofitable. Labour inour calling (by gods bieffing) is beneficia/6 to us. It fhouldencourage men todiligent la- bour. Concerning thepoverty ofmanypainefull labourers, anfwered. All whom god doth bleffe with fob- /awe , mußdoegoodto others. To whom it belongeth togivealines. Howweare togive alms. Inwhat order aimesmußbe given. Out oflove. To gods glory, Asadily, cheerefully, and liberally, Meere fuperßuity is not the matter of aimes. Againß the hard-heartedneffè offorce innotgiving. Theirexcufes anfwered. VVeemullgive alms only of what is honeftygotten. Somethings not wellgottenmay be¡stil- ly kept. The needyare to be relieved. VVho thr/eneedy are, Verle 29. VVhat ie corrupt fpeech, How theholy Spirit isfail togrieve. Howweare fettled by the Holy Cholf. We mußmakeconfcience or evil! words. R.eproofeof wickedand idle fpeech. Our fpeech ought tominißergrace. VVe muß f eakoffecularmatters in a gracious manner. Verle 30. Sinne dothgrieve the Holy Ghoß, Itis afearfall thing togrieve the Lord. Our falvation i, certain andfealedby the Spirit. The comfort of this dol7rine neither doth breedfecurity. Outward matters cannot affare us of falvation. VVee mußfeekand keep the holy Spirit pith [perish! care. Ourredemption is not here full. Verle 31. Bitterneffe isto beavoyded. VVhat it is, VVhat wrath orfiereeneffeis. Diförderedwordswillgoe withdiferde- red apt-lions. VVeemuß take heedofevill[peaking, and curfèd f esking. Some fpeecheswhich are revilings inone are but reproofes in another. Malictoufneffe is to bePunned, What it is, appeares three wayes. Verle 32. . VVeemuß'hewforth curtefy. VVherein it (heweth it felfe. Vices contra >y to it, VVeemußbe merciful!. VVherein itßandcth, VVee are to labourfor this affeiiion. Chrtilians muß forgiveoffences. Forgivenefe ßandeth in three things, What we doeandmtifforgive. Wemayfeek,amends for our dommage andhow. Inwhat order we are to forgive. 2'jot forgiving is molt hurtful! to our [elves. God is aGodof forgiveneffe, Godsforgiving to muß move us to for- giveothers. Wee muff forgive as God forgiveth.- HowGod forgiveth. A COM-