429 P.Le9fr 7xçre :Fì iiaswyziatffifioAR$ r2R7g í A ' CO IVI 1VI ENTA. .., RY VPON THE FOVRTH CHAPT R OF THE Epiftle ofS. PAUL to the Ephelians. CHAP. 4. VERS. I. 1 therefore being Prifoner in the Lord, prayyou that you walke worthy ofthe Pecation whereunto ye are called. EE divided the Epi(lle into the r. Preface. 2. Matter.;. Conclufron.The Matter into s.Do. érine. 2. Manners. The Doétrinall part with the anfwerof that fecret objeetion wee have paired through : Now the Morali part followeth. The ApofilehisPrecepts are generall, or fpeciall. Ge- nerali that concerne every Chriftian foule : Spe- cial!, thofe that concern Chriftians in this or that condition or calling. The Generals are layd downe to the zz. verfe of the 5. chapter. The Special! to the so. verfe of the 6. chapter. The Generaliare firít propounded affirmatively in this verfe, with an amplification to the zz ..verfe ofthe chapter following. For the open- ingofthis verfe, it may be asked what this is, [worthy of our calling] for it may feem to fpeak ofmerit and defert of fuch benefits ? vinrw. [worthy ] is nothing elfe but (hefeeming) becomming, Col. I. to. only walk as becommethi the Go#ell ofGod. Secondly, it may be asked, what our calling meancth e Anfw. Not fomuch the adtion of God convert- ing, as the fruits and conlequence ofour calling, theRate to which we are called; / ?heft. z. sz. We be/ought every one ofyou that yon would walk worthyofGod, whobath calledyou unto his kingdom andglory. We (hall explains is hereafter. Here thenare two things. S r. The Party exhorting or intreating. Z, z. The thing intreated. 1therfore a Prifoner.] Firft we fee the Apoftle feareth not to pre- fixe this flyle, / a Profaner] asforcible toperfwade withtheEphefiansr P P 3 And What itis ro, walke worthy of our calling. Calling is the ehate where- unto we are called. 4