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30 A Threefold motive in Pads bonds. Don. It is a glorious thing to fuller for Chrilt. The care of our Paitouts to initru& us; And their death approa- ching,tpeeially ifthey fuffcr for Miff, challengeth of us afpeciall re- gard oftheir initruftions. Don. Doe. Minifters aft ufe in- treaties and gentle perfwa- lions with people. i; is the fetch co4rfc. rr. Labourfor the gift ofperfwa- Gon. Colt. 4. tc.r.a.r. Epheflanr, Chap. 4. V E R. F. And ifthis be well weighed, there is a threefold confederation which might move both them and us. Flrff, the authorityoftheApoflles bonds; for it is a glorious thing to fuller for Chrift: theMartyrdome of Saints being more glorious in theeye of Faith, then the fcarlet robe is tothe eye offlefh. Secondly, that Padthough in bonds,fhould give himfelfe to write, itdózh testify the diligent care he hadtowardsthem , and the church in ,them, to the end of the world. hirdly,it isforcible to perfwade,as in which fecretly theproximity of neareneffeoldie Apostle his diffoiution is fitbefore them;for there bonds did tlyedtim till death did depart. Now this is a great reafon why we fhould regardall this Epiftle,becaufe,Paul was now aged,Paul ready to give uphimfelfe for the reffimony of the Gofpell: Now we knowa candle never flameth more thenwhen it is ready to goe forth, Again, the words that Our friends doc fpeak before their departure, they areof all other molt worthily remembred : fo that wherefoever wefee God doth let menbe graced with fuffering for his Name, this muftmakethings fpoken by fuch to be ofgreat authority; when wee fee the diligent labour and care ofour Miniflers in this or that thing; this circumflance mutt move us to receive their doctrine where they labour, when we fee they drawneare their end, (as doe the Prophets live alwayes,f) then we mutt be molt careful! to treafure up the words they utter. a. Isis tobe markedhow that the Apo(lle doth befeech them: Ob- Ccrve hence, How theMinifters of God muff ufe intreaty and gentle perfwafìons with their people. Iithe higheft order of Apottles muff intreat, much more the ordinary Pallor and Teacher. 2 Tim. 2. 54. 15. The fervant of the Lord muff bee gentle towards all min, infrutiting with meekfseffe, ¿ze. Tit. 3. 2. (hewing all meekneffe towards all men. a Cor. 5. rp. We as Embaffadersfor Chrifi befetchyou that yebe reconci- led. It is to be marked that Noah prophecyed , God perfwade lapheth to dwell in the tents ofSem. And inHo[ea a. r4. He faith, Bee will allure his Church, he will fpeak friendly to her, asone that would whine the love ofavirgin ; and the Apoftles accordingly being the Paranymphs of this great God ouf Saviour, doe befeech us and intreat us gently, And this dealing is mall fit for this covenant, wherein not the (pith ofbondage, but the fpirit ofadoption, the free fpirir,ismoll abundant- ly tobepawned out. Mott fit for us,whomutt not he fo much fervile, as a free-hearted people , a willing people, Pfal. Ho. 3. Rom. 8. Wce havenot receivedthe/ßirit ofbondagetofeare againe,but theffiris of t.4- deption, ¿rc. and therefore muff not fo much be preffed and confirai- ned,asintreated. This thereforewe mutt labour for, that Godwould give us the Ipi- rit ofperfwafion; for he isthe bell Minifler that hath the iargeft porti- on herein:True it is thereis a orteavar.yía, enticingfpeech, which humane wifdome teacheth, and a ;ernstrsyía, which leducers affe6t, an ex ce leney offÇeecb; but goodgold is no leffe worth becaufe there is forne coun-