VS«.2. Sphefaans, Chap. 4.. 431 counterfeit, no more is this grace in truth the svorfe beCaufe the Devi11'v doth play the Coyner in the accurfed infruments bee ufeth : Study'eflaaadt,. vcty therefore for pleating perfwadingwords, with the Preacher, Eccl. I z.' ro. Vfe ailgentleneffe, forgentlefbetchbreaketh the bone, and the words of poY,st.ts. the wife infiebmiffnes are heardmore then the Pot ofaKing that isfoolifh. EcClek X . Yet wt mutt fo receive this,as that we muff likewife know there is place that therein for rough dealing. Be /port with them, or cut them to the quick , for fo place for much the phrafe importeth Tit.t.I 3. Rebuke themfharply orcuttingly; ;lharpnele. time,place,perfonwill teach how,the excellencyrodiretì is wifdome. Tasas, The laic thing tobe marked is this: what mull move us to all Chri- flian duty, thefiate to which aid bath called is. So much the Apoftle ie- tendeth byhisexhortation towalke worthy thevocation whereunto yeare called. Weby natureare thrallsof Saran, ftnne, and hill, now God calling us, cloth bring us to have communion with him , with the An- gells, fpirits of¡oft and holy ones through the wholeearth. Can. z. I;, 14. tilrifemy love, myfaire one,; andcome away, let me heart thj voyce, forfined is thy voyce, and thy countenance is comely. Of tinfoil people, we are called robe holy, therefore we are faid to be Saints by calling, I Cor. r. z. and r Their. 3. 7. God bath called as to helineffe; and aTim.I. g. our calling is Paid so be a holy calling. We are called to the Kingome of heaven. z Theft. z. 14. Het bath calledyou by our Gofpell toobtaine theglory of ourLord urnChrifi. This then being the Rate ofus, what fhould more prevaile withus to a holy converlation then this to thinke in what communion now wee are, what kindof people now we fhouldbe, what great hopes noware laid up forus: He that bath fetch hepe,deth purge him(elf . í folio3.;. VERSE. z. With all humbleneIre ofmind,andmeeknefse,with long- fuffering, fupporting one another through love. The Apoflle now amplifieth thisgenerall rule, and fheweth how we muff walke befeeming our condition: Two wayes: r. By getting the combinationof venues inwardly clothing us; which are three herenamed. I. Humbleneffe of mind. z. Meekneffe. 3. Long- fuffering. z.By fnewing them forth in the worksofthem: two whereofare here named. r Mutuall toleration through love. 2. Endeavour ofUnity. As ifhe fhould fay ; this is to walke worthy your calling, to get grace in your hearts inwardly, and thew forth good works from the fame before men. Now then hence we learnt: That he whowillwalke as becommeth a Chriflian, muff walke humbly. Chrift was the matterof humility ; Learne of me, ram meek and lowly; yeahebeing the Lord ofall, became fervantunto all, leaving us a pre- fident oflowlineffe; Let thefame mindbe in you that mus in relies chilli, who being On theforme ofGod, thought it no robery to bee squall with god; but made himfelfe ofno reputation, drc.HereI willthew, I. Whatthis venue is. Do&, The flete whereunto we are called, Aught to move us to all Chrittiandu. tr.