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431 What humility is. I. a b lm3.34: 2. Efay 17.15. Matth.s t,zg. Obada.3. s Peo;. 4. 3. The elle@s of humility in generan. Gen.lß. z. Pfal. r 3 I. z. Pfal.zz. 6. Ruth.z, so. Gen.z3.7.8. Ephefaáns Chap. 4. VER b. 2.W hat the grounds ofit are. 3. Make applicationofit to our felves. Humility is a grace ofthe Spirit, wrought in theheart , which doth caufea man inwardly andoutwardly to Thew Iowlinetl'e toward God and man. Hereare foure things to touch 'upon. TheEfficient; it is the Holy Ghoft that doth work it in our hearts, andwork our hearts toit: Such a fpirit of pride doth by nature beare fway in our hearts, that we can no skill ofhumility untill we be taught and moulded thereunto by Gods Spirit : as pride is an eminent fort from Satan, who firft fuggefled, and as it were breathed it into the hearts of our firft parents: fo is humility in fpeciall mantic'. from Gods Spirit. Whencewas Chrift fuch a paragon ofhumility, but hence, that he had the Spirit without meafuree There is the fubjeét, the heart; for fo weare taught when humility is made aproperty of the heart, as a contriteandhumble heart. Sowas Chrift lowly inheart. As pridelike a malter Pharify doth affeét the belt roome inman, and festes it felfe in the heart, as every where we heare ofthe pride ofthe heart : Thepride of thy heart hath deceived thee : fo humilityis not of the right kind, nor hath its right place , unleffe it be lodged in the heart. But letthe hidman of the )earl bee deckt with the incorruptible graceofameek andquiet fpirit. Wehave thework or effeEt ofhumility, which is the(hewing forth of lowlineffe inwardly in the mind , and outwardly in our words and deeds. As light, where it is, cannot but Thine , nor fire choofe but burne : fo where humility is, it will make a man frame himfelfe theretowithin and without., In his mind to take up lowly thoughts and delires:without, to acquaint himfelfe with words and all courfes which fuit with the lowlinetfeof his mind. A bladder when it is full of wind doth fwell fo big,that we cannot gripe it inones hand, but when the windis preffed orlet our, it is a (mall matter, and is eauly contai- ned in a littlecompaffc: fo pride doth fo puffe up a man that he fwel- leth big at heart, looketh big, fpeakethbig, and is hardly fatisfied with any honour; But when humility commeth, that preffeth our that wind with which the heart was fwollen, and thena man fetteth much leflè byhimfelfe, and is lowly in hiswords and lookes, and can make him- felfe equal' with thofeof low degree. What lowlineffe within did it Phew in Abraham, whodoth efleem himfelfe but dulland afhesein David whowas asa weanedchild in his thoughts touching himfelfee Yea in Chrift, who faithofhimfelfe,that he was a !Yoffieandno man? What' lowly fpeech and gefture did it bring forth in Ruth, who ravifhed at Boaz his kindnes toward her, fell onher face and bowed ro theground, fayi®g, HowhaveI found favour in thine eyes that thou fhoulde f know me whoam aflrangeri yea in LA braham, who though be were as a Prince of gad among the Hittites, yet having to treat with them doth humbly! bow before them and intreat theme The fourth thing is the perlons towards whom it is exercifed : ñrtt God, then man. As it hath to doe with both, fo doth it teach men to carry.