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MD. V E R.. 2. Ephefanr, Chap. q.. carry themfelves fo as becommeth thofe who have been trained up by herdifcipline towards both..Now towards God it appearethchief - ily in rhefe things: Ir maketh a man that he will not ftand upon any his excellencies and dignities which he bath before men in the fight of God , but re- nounce them, acknowledge his and their imperfeEtion, and account them and himfclfe as ameere nothing. The 24 Elders fell donne before Chrifi, and caf! their Crownes before the throne. David likewife flood little on hisCrone and Kingdome when he fate before the Lord and laid, Who am1,0 Lord Goe,andwhat it my Fathers heafc!&c. L.Abraham who was amongft men as a Prince of God , a man of eminent power and glory, whenhe is beforeGod, he forgot thisiand was but duft and allies in his apprehenfion: & thus no lofty conceit have humbleminded menof their riches, beauty, honours, excernall fplendor before and in comparifonofGod, but in their account of them, thefe areas fotmany flowers, fo much witheringgra(lè, as fliadowes, ftraw, ftubble, as meere vanities. It will not only acknowledge Gods mercies and benefics,but alfoex- toll and amplify themas a man is able, according to their worth, and as farre above any worth ofhis; l am left?,faith Jacob, then all thy mercies andtruth which thou haft /hewed unto thy fervant. Which alfo David doth both in Gods benefits beftowed on mankind and on himfelfe:For ofthe firft hefaith, What is man that thouart mindfull ofhim, or the f nne ofman that thou vifiteff him? thou haft made him little lower then the An gels, thou haft crownedhimwithglory andc2,tajefly. And of the other, Whoam 1? andwhat is my Fathers houfe that thouhaft brought me hither- to? viz. as toadvance me to the kingdome, &c. ltmaketha manhumblehimf lfeunderGods judgements, and fit downe in filenceunder his hand. When the Lord by fire from heaven deftroyed L. arons two formes 1Vadab and vlbihu, humility here taught Aaron in thisgreat judgment of the Lord upon him and his, not to murmur againft God, but tokeep filence. To which godly filence it likewifebrought holy David, who in great afflic'tion fafth,that he kept Hence and brake not out again(! the Lord, becanfe the Lordhaddone it. So old Eli, 1 Sam.3. 18. . It bringeth a man to wonderat the depthofGods wayesand Coun- fels , which though he cannot comprehend, yer will bee not fawcily cavill ar, but with humble admiration acknowledge to bee molt wife and righteous, breaking out as Paul, o the depth o f the riches and wif- dome and knowledge ofGod, howunfeareheable are his judgements andhis wayes pat finding out! It makes a man willingly to undergoe any fervice to glorify God, though itfirmbafe and beneath a mans place, andro negleet his owne honourto honour the Lord. David in the lowlinellcof his mind layd afide his royal! robes and Kingly (fate, and putting on a litotes Ephodin thefight ofthepeople, danced before the vsrkeof God, and when his wife c.7ttichol upbraided him with it as a thing too bate for his Rate,he an- fwered I. Reve1.4 :o. z Sam.y. 18. xo. P 4 S Lévis. t o. 9. Pfatgg. io. 4 Roman. ;;. 5. x Sam.ó 74: 10,2I. &c. 4