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V. E E. 2. Ephefans,.Chap. q... I' knowledge the good things, graces and gifts which God hath be- flowedon a man, but doth wifelyunderftand what is given him of God,and with thanks to the Lord dothconfeWc, andonjuft occaton publifh ir. To paffe over Gods graces given us , or fupptelle then were foule unthankfulnefle toward God, and a touch ofthat wicked hypocrify which Solomon taxes inanother kind : There is that waked; bimflfe poore havinggreat riches. And all the fruit that a man reapes of it is that pufìllanimity and dejettion of fpirir, whereby his gifts moulder away without ufe to othersor comfort to himfelfe , and hee lives unferviceable to God and his Church. It flood well enough with Paulehumility to fay and acknowledge, that he by Gods grace waa not' inferiour to the verychiefe Apajlles. The 2. is,that humilitywill not detraél or refufe anywork which the Lord (hall calla man to, nor withdraw thefhoulderfrom that burden which he fhall put upon him. Todoe this were bale pufllanimity, or rather proud difobedience. It is the delight ofhumility todoe fervice, and its glory to ferve the Lord.. For which purpofe as the humble man knowes the Lord hath furnifhed him with fuck parts as he hath, I meane todoe ferv'rçe to God in force or other calling : fo when he fees the Lords call laidon him, he doth willingly addrefFe hiinfelfc unto it, yea though itbe high andhard crafting to the help and aid of Godwhohath called him unto it,& who(he is affured)willnot faile tc ftrengthenhim to goe through with it. Jeremy goes not away without a check,whoout ofa low efteemofhimfelfe and his abilitydothoffer toput off that office ofa Prophet whereunto theLord telshim that he had ordained him. The 2. thing propounded is the grounds ofhumility, and they may bethefe. a. Our meane and bafe originali, that we are made but of the earth, the bard:and loweft ofthe Elements. The Lord loth re- call Adam tothis thought when by pride he fought to lift up him felfe againft the Lord. Thou art taken out ofthe earth, MO thou art, and to duff thou!halt return: Theapprehenfion whereof made Abrahamhum- ble in his dealingwith the Lord:Behold now I havebegun to fpeak un- tomy Lord,and I am but daft and afhes.Nothing is more hatefullthen that a man bafelyborne, comming out of a poore cottage and from the dunghill, being railed to wealth and honour,fhould forget his bate originals and be puffed up in pride. What a foule thing is this to fee man ftand on his tiptoes with the Lord, and jellify himfelfe be- fore him, whoBothdwell in houle ofclayand whole foundation is in the Iob.i4.17.19: dull? Why is earth and afhes proud? The s. is our miferable and curled eftate by finne. Ifwe are to be humble& lowlyminded upon apprehenfionof our baleoriginall,how muchmore is this aground ofhumility that bynature we are children ofwrath. We areby finne become the bafeft and molt wretchedof all creatures, vagabonds on the earth, Gods enemies, and for all out- ward excellencies,without Gods mercy , fire-brands of hell. Saint Paul didever and anon call hiseftate to mind, that he hadbeen a refs- , Q_ q cuter, 417 Prov.r;g. Ier.s.6,7. Grounds of huwiliry. Teng Fiji. Gen. ;. 14. Gen.t8. 07.