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VER, z. ephefians, Chap. 4. 4-19 :our bed in the darks, be laid in the duff, fay to Corruption, 7boo art 16.17. s'4. Imy Father,andto tbeWorm,Thouart my Mother, and mySifter,We (hall he heires (as one faith) and companionsof ferpents,healls,and worms: From which things the Prophet Eft', preachethhumility to the proud and lofty King ot And with this thefeverity of the Taft judge- ment which we mutt all alike undergoe, and wherein we {hall give a (trait account how we havegotten and ufcd all thegood things out- ward and inwardwe had: So that the more wee have of tech things and excellencies above others, the morecaufe we have humbly toen- joy and ufe them. For wehavebut fomuch the greater burthen lying on us, and fo much the ftriéter account to make. Confidering (faith S. Pad) the feverity of Gods Judgements againfl the Lewes , who the more favours they had of God , for their abufe of them were the moregricvoufly puni(hed; Bermhigh minded, butflare. Now for the Rom.,,, so, -application of thefe things. It appearech hereby what little worthywalking there is ofour vo- Y/e s. cation, whenas humility isgrowne out ot fafhion, and fo fcanty ; and pridedoth ruffle in the roome thereof. For doe not men (land upon their outwardexcellencies, as theirwealth, honours, highplaces, even before God, whenfor them they look not only tohave cap and knee and the more honour and fervicefrommen, which is in tome fort but reafonable, but td have the more liberty from ferying God fo flriétly and precifely asmeaner mendoe? Doe they not think that in regard of their riches and high place, they need not pray fo much, heare fo much, be fo carefull of an exai l fandifyingof the Sabbath, that they may fpeak the mère idlely,the more prophanely, fweare fmall oathes at thekalif Doc they not upon thefe things fcorne the Minifter and his admonitions, being readyto fay, What a fawce-box is hero medic with me, and why (hould I be under his control!?ordoe as hee will? I will nor, butas I havedone, fowill I doe. Thereare few who extol! Gods benefits toward thern,but men ratherchallenge them asno more then isdue unto them, and their parts and place, repine at them as be- ing leffe then they deferve, or grudgeat it that others havemore. Few that with humble filence undergoe Godscorrcfìions, and doe not murmur thereat. It is wofull to fee the proud opinion that many haveoftheir wits, who will undertake to rifle and fearch, as if the Lord had called them tobe of his privy Counfell , intohis croft deep and high Counfells ofPredeftination, of his working in finfull works ofmen, of theblelfedTrinity, &c. yea to comprehend them by hu- mane reafon andunderftanding, or ifthey be not as they conceive of them, not reverently to admire them, but impioufly to pronounce of them as abfurd, cruen and unjuft. Wee all indeed pretend our felves tobe fervants of God, but who is there, if hee could have his will, would ferve Cod in any meaneor low placeorcalling? Whobutdoth afpire to fervehim inplaces ofhonour, command and credit? as if in- fenour placeswere too meane for thetn. And were it not for a necef- fity, tholeplaces fhould lyewithout any to ferve him. And in places Q 9 2 of