Epheflans, Chap. 4. V E R. 2. dwell in and folacchimfelfe with the humble and lowly foule. So ofhumility. The next is meekneffe, thefe are ufually joyne.d together and flill goe hand in hand as it were. Humility is as the mother, rreekneffe as the daughter, that as the roote, this as the fruit. No foule canbee meek which is not firft humble. And heredoth wife the like obferva- D . don to the former, That ifwe will walk worthy of our Chriflian cal- m walk wor- ling, we mutt walke in meekneffe. Here wee will follow the former thy of our cal- courfe, and Phew, walk meekly r. What this meekneffe is. 2. Lay downe the grounds of it. 3. Come toapplication. Then meekneffe is a vertueor grace planted in the heart by Gods What meek- Spirir,moderating anger, takingoff the edge of revenge, and teaching nette is us tocarry,our felves meekly towards God and men. Fielt, it bath the heart for the fubjed, as had humility: for as the Sea is the receptacle of all waters, fo is the heart of all fanétifyinggraces. Peter fpeakes of a meek and a quiet fpirit, t Pet. 3.4. There is no meekneffe in a man untill thefpirit be meek. A wrathfull fpirit fees on fire the wholeman. Secondly, it commeth from Gods Spirit,thc onely andcommonwell` fpring ofall fpirituall and favinggrace. Meekneffe is one or the fweet fruits ofthe holy Spirit, G4l.5. z 3. And that wilder/it which is gentle,is from above. Our fpirits are by nature fierce,fi,d of envy and contention. Rom.:. ag We mull have this meekneffe offpirit from a new nature wrought in us by GodsSpirit. The effe& Thirdly,for the effects of this meekneffe. The firft generali work and duties meekneffe of of it is to moderate and temper our anger that it doe not exceed the general!. due limits, nor burn with toohot a flame. A wife man doth deferre Yrov.19.1r. or flayhis anger (faith Solomon.) And the praife of Mofes meekneffe, who in this did excell all men on the faceof the earth, was, that when 1 aren and citiriam did murmur againft him , did vilify him and e- quall themfelves to him, hewas not provoked to wrath again(' them. It is I fay in moderating anger, not in utter rooting or razing it out: for it is foplanted inmans nature,as that it is ofgood ufe even inour Chri- flian courfe to refill andput away fuch impediments asoppofe us in it. And therfore afterward in the 26. verle the Apoflle doth give leave to be angry fo wee finite not in our anger ; and Mofeswhowas the meekeft man in his dayes, was angry at the golden calfe ofthe lfae- lites,Exod.3z. 19. Yea our bleffed Saviour, who was a lambe for gentlenefTe, at the wilful' hardnef e ofheart of the Iewes, make 31. Af#eûions in the foule are as windes in the ayre. Now the windes are troublefome threewates. 1. When they blow not at all or are too calme, then the Sea-fa- ring man mutt lye fill, or can make fmall fpeed en his voyage. 2. When theyblow againft us, then they make the progreffe of the (hip heavy and laborious, or endanger to drive it back. 3. When they are too boyflerous, for then by their violence the (hips