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Ephefianj, Chap. 4. V s R. _. againft thole which [hall offer them: fo is the behaviour and difpofi_ tion of meek fpirits toward the Lord , to fubmit themfelvesto his word, yoake and judgements inall quietneffe of mind , againft which the wrath and ftomach of carnali and unmeekned fpirits doth arife and rebel!. Next it appeares alfotowards men in three things. 1. It keeps usfrom feeking revenge and requiting evil( for evil. Thoufhahnot avenge, Levit. 59. r 8. and refill not evil!, oftatth. i. 39. Not revengingyour [elves, but give, place to anger, Rom. t 2. 19. This was the in eekneffeof our Saviour Chrift, who being reviled, did not re- vile againe, and[offering much wrong didnot fo much ,ts threaten. Clean contrary to that furious Lamed', Gen. 4. 23. who did threaten that if . any man wronged him,he would cut and flafh and make him dearly to abide it. z. It makes usplacable and ready to forgivewrongs forgivingone another, as it followeth verle 32. There may bee a ceafing from re- venge where there is not a forgivingofwrong, but force bitter mind- fulneffeof it. MeeknefTe thereforedothnot onely call us off from re- venge, but moveus alto to forgive. And therefore Chrift doth ad- monifhhis difciples to forgive their enemies, and that oft, even unto 7o. times 7. times. But without breachof meekneffe we may Peek a- mendsby due courfe ofjuftice, fo it be without maliceagainftthe per - fon, and defire ofrevengefor fuch dammageas in our names or eftate hath been done untous. Ofwhich morediftin&ly hereafter. 3. Laftly, meekneffe will for peace-fake part with much of its right, and will be content to redeempeace and quietneffe with yield- ing farce, fo it be not too too much tohis dammage and hurt in frate and name, and be notagainft his juft liberty in Chrift, to bring him in bondage unto men. Howmuch dothmceknefTe make Abraham which was the elder and greater perfon by ods give way to Lot, when hee gives him the choyce of the way, for peace_ fake and hee would take what Lot fhould leaves Which meekneffe was likewife in Paul, who could fay,that the Galatians had done him no wrong , in much ma- nifeft wrong of fighting him and preferring falfe Apoffles before him. But by the way take thefe Cautions. r. That meekneffedoth not foblindus,or make us fo lupine, as net to fearch into the caufes and reafonsofthings, without knowledge of which no vertue can aright cxercife its officeorkeep the right ftroake. As a good Mufitian ought toknowwhen hemuff ftrikethe firing of lower found , when of an higher: fo a wife Chriftianmuff know where is place for meekneffe, where forzeale andholy anger, which cannot be doneunlefle he let himfelfe to know and weigh the caufes and circumftances of things. z. Nordoth it make a man fo ready to yield or beare in matters of Gods glory as inhis owne tthings. To yield of Gods right to keep peace with men,is cowardly treachery : Andnotto be furred inGods caufe, and at hisdifhonour,is not the part ofameek,butof a dull, cold and