Ephefiana, Chap. q.. Y RR. Z. as to forbeare his wrath, to withhold revenge, yea fo gracious as to pardon and forgive us. What we have found the Lord toward us, we mutt be toward our brethren that doe offend us ; and praélife to- ward them the fame gentleneffe and meekneffe, forbearing one ano- ther, and forgiving one another,even as God for Chrifts fake forgave you; verfe 3 2. Ofthe which there isfo much themore reafon,by how much there is the more diftance betweenGod and us. Flee is the blef- fed Creatour ofinfinite gloryandMajefty, we his poore and weake creatures. Can he then forbeareand forgiveus, and cannot we our fellowcreatures, and fellow-fervants! Our finnes againft him are of an infinite and invaluable nature, thetrefpaffes ofour brethren againft us (mall offences and trifles incomparifon. Canhe remit fuck hainous and great matters! And doe we flickat flight and triviall matters ? it we doe, we cannot but beforehand give fentence againft our felves. See Parable, math. r 8.23. be. We muff bethink ourfelves what we have been In former times, that noneare fo bad in themfelves or toward us, but that wee have been in former times every way as bad, and deferved as ill. Set not thy heart (faith Solomon) to take offenceat everyevil! word which is Men again. fi thee, andwhy! Thyheart knees thatthou haft fpoken as badofo- thers, and fodoneas had to others. Shen all meekneffeuntoall menwho - foeverand howfoever they deale with thee: And why! It foliowes, The time was when see alto werefoolifh, difebedient, living in maliciouf- nereand envy, hateful! andhating one snot er.What,doff thouwonder that othersare fobad, when thouhaft been as bad thy fclfe! Art thou angrythat men thusand thuswrong thee, when thou haft been in thy timeas perverfe and unjuft toward others! Doeft thou not fee in them a pitt;re of thy owne old manners ! Thou didft think it reafon then that men should be meek and gentle towards thce,and is it not as much reafon thatthoube fo toward theme Thou canft not be rough and fe- vere againft them, forme and chafe at them, but thoumuff con - demne thy Idle. Wherefore praife God who bath put thee in thy right wits, andbrought thee to a found mind to fit peaceably at the feetofChrift, andout of pity havepatience with them who are yet diftraied with that fpirituall phrenzy with which thou fometime waftdiftempered. We are to confiderour felves thatweare fraile andmay fall as well as others,and fo fhall haveneed ofthe fame meek and gentle dealing from others which they now defireof us. Ifany befallen through infix miry, reftorehimwith thefpirit ofmeeknere: So is S'.Pawls advice, and whye conflicting thy fèlf , that thou elfmaift be tempted. There is his ground and reafon. Ifthou wert Cure thou fhouldft Rand fall and not fall,thou mighteft perhaps be the more rough and give way to thy choler againft others, but lince the cafe is fo that thou ftandeft but on flipperyground,& maift fall and give offenceto others,bekind & gen- de to filch as provoke thee. Hebath needof thy pardon and patience to day, thou mail} have need of another to morrow. If thou deny thine