A11.11111111109 Ephe /lans, Chap. q,. V E R. x. vous and offenflveto others. Now this meekneffe gives a man a pea- ceable and quiet heart in himfelfe, and a peaceable and quiet conver- fation toward others, becaufe he bath fpent the ftrength of his heat and choler upon his finnes and corruptions , to mortify and fubdue them. With long This is the third vertue whereby a Chriflian is fitted to walk worthyhis calling. Where obferve: Doff. { Whofoever will walk worthy his calling, naafi labour to Thew forth long- We muff ¡hew fufering. This is a vertue wrought by the Spit it, as the former, which forth all long- dothmake us hold out in evills his fpirit not broken; for God Both put his children not only to trialls , but doth prove them at length to What loop Iufferrng is. feehow they will hold our. Now this grace which Both make us its office is to poffeffe our foulespatiently, though we cry How long Lord? is long- makeus hold fufferance; when evills affaile us to break us by wayof defpaire,provo- ont me°ills' king indignation; in this the Saints, through ftrength ofluft and tem- ptations prevailing, have often failed, as Zob , and Davidas you may fee Pfal.39. 4. there was a want of long- fuffering: S. Paul on the other fide doth let forth himfelfe an exampleof it, z cor.6. 5, 6, 7. Inmuch Iatr.,i. 4. patience, in affli5ltons, in neceffities, in difireffes, inflripes , in imprtf ra- ments, be. he, let patience have herperfect work in miditofmany evils. This is not a counterfeit biting in ofanger , but a continuance of true patient bearing our Croffts: To lift up a quarter of wheat or two, were rareftrength, though one fhould Eland under it but a while , but to carry it 4, or 5. miles were a tokenof tenfold firength: So tobcare our burdensany time is a fruit ofglorious ftrength, but to carry them at length argueth treble vertue. We have needofpatience, faith the Scri- We have need pture, Bch. r o. foof long./ffering. A Porter whole calling is to beare uI" I heavy burthens, had need of fhoulders; fo we who are called ro beare many of ih ions, had need of long- fuffering ; fo deep are our Raines, that theywill notcone out unieffe we be longdoufed in thefe waters of afflictions , which makethGod many dayes continue our evils: Nowhow fhall we beable to hold out under long afHiftionswithout long-fufferance? The grounds ofit are, r. Theconfcienceofour owne fame, as deferving all evill. Micsh 7.9. I willbeare the wrath ofthe Lord, for I have finned againft him. z. Hope, for this is a walking flaffe which loth five the foule from many a fall, which keepeth the heart from fainting.Mi- cab 7. 8. ThoughIfag', i fhall rife. z Sam. t 6. r z. David fuffered with patience the revilings of Shimel, for (faith he) le may be that the Lord will looke on is of fliclion, and requite goad for his turfing this day. 3. To confider the examples of God, of Ctrift, of the Prophets. .Exod.34. 6. Gad isflow to anger, great in patience , bearing us yeare after ycare. 4o.yeares long, Hebr3.9. Chrift endured to the end, Heb. 12.2. You have theProphets anenfatopic of much patience,Iam.S. so. The