V E R. Z. Epbefanr,Chap. 4.. 449 The caufe that doth work, it is the ftrength of the Holy Ghoff. C6/.r. 1I. Being f rengthened with all might according to I gloriests Cól', r'.'r. power untoallpatience andlong-Juffering with joyfulneße; for this ver- rue is a branchof fpirituall fortitude , as meekne fe is of temperance, and humilityof modcfly. This therefore doth not only rebuke thofe that are fhort fpiri :ed, vfe r. but even fuch as have a femblance of this venue, fuch as outwarmi.ly such a> onrlr d o `ma_ can fcem to take things indifferently but inwardly they boyle lic, adme malice and defire of revenge. Such as Abfolon, z Sam. 13. 23. rtaIso want t.. could carryhisgrudge two yeares ;together. Suchas Simeon and ,Genii, Gen who though they feemed patient, yet were fall ofrevenge. And l' fe many their words may witneffe againfl them that they are not"nc quainted with this; for they fay, that if they fhould put up injurlkti ftill, they might make themfelves pack - horfes and beare till th_ backs break, they fhould neverbe without injuries offered; this is the Devils oratorydiffwading from this duty. In the fecond place, wemuff be flirted up,confideringour finfulnts and Gods long- fufferance towards us, to Phew forth long fufferance towards others. Ifthe husband-man for commodities and fruites of the earth, doth wait with longpatience the appointed feafon,iam. ç.7. how much more fhould we for fuch a harveft ofglory , as that to which weare called:' Forbearing one another in love.] Obferve here, What is a duty Doái. befeeming Chriflians, continual fupporting one another. For opening portbefeemeth ofthis we muff confider, Chd4lans. r. What it is to fupport. 2. In what regards, or what fins are to be fupported byus. Firfi, wee fupport one another when we keep one another whateft, from falling;this you may read , AEir 18. 14. If it were a matter of wronger wicked lendne/fe, reafonwould that Ifhould heart with you. Col. àrex/pa,,,. 3. 13. Forbearingone another andforgiving one another. á204rwr. Secondly,when we beate one with another being fallen: For the we are to 1. wemuff doe as Bones in the wall, oneholds.up the other: So wee keepeuh o- :her n bein living (tones ofri hteoufne a, mut revei ,b bearing each how. other, the fallsthat might overtake us. This' is done when wee are carefull no wayto fcandalize our brother : Give-no offence neither to t Cor.,o.3t. Iew nor Gentile, nor to the ChurchofGod. Whenme fludy not to pleafeour omtst > = gives, but topleafe our brother: For example, I knowmy Chriftian bro- ther, ifI fhould doe fome things, which I have liberty todoe , would take offence, throughweakneffe, by reafonofhis frowardneffe,or jea- loufie, or flomackfulnefle, which is I difccrne inhim; here I mat fup. port him, not provoke him: but in the things wherein I am free, make my felfe his fervant for his good ; this was Pails rule, r Cor.9. 19. Though I befree from all men, yet have i made my felfe fervant unto all men. In regardoffinnes which doeefcape him they areof two forts, ei- therdoubtfull,or apparent: In doubtfull ones, I mull fupport or beare Ar up Yfe z. Howwe ought ro fupportour brother fallen. o