4.50 EccicC7. t6. MSanifoldfai- lings in this point. Learnt we to ¡nadirs this duc/. naaithrs.,.s. Inbeating wrong. a Sam. t6. io. In bearing with chu in- firmities of others. Ephefians, Chap. 4. V 6 R. 2, up my brother, by giving him a good conftruâion, as farre as wil- dome and charity may afford. In fuch things as are apparent , I must fupport my brother, fometime with holy connivency,winking at things I fee, not taking noticeofall I behold, Be not joyovermuch.For fuch as will makea matterofevery thing they fee, are like thole that upon every Coate finger will try furgery,who make wounds of filch thligs as would have wore awayas they came, had they let them a- lor.c. In fuch fins aswe take notice of, we muff fupport our brother: r'r. By faithful( and loving admonition. z. By forgiving him as Chrift hath forgiven us. Col. 3. r,. Bycovering his finne and weakneffc from the fight of others; t.. Weput honour andcover the parts of the body leafshonou - f:: rable, we muffbe good sew covering the ,nakedneffe of our, fathers and brethren. Now it is farre otherwife with us : For r. in ffead of pleating the weakbrother,we fet light by doing that which we forefee will not be well taken, we fay; Why, ifhe beoffended, he may thank himfelf; Retakes offencewhere noue is given, I hope I am not bound in thefe cafes. Yes , thou arc bound to make thy felfe a fervant in the things wherein thou art free, if it bee to fupport thy weakbrother. z. For conftruing things favourably, we will,where the words ofa man have nothing, be harping at his meaning , and condeinne our brother for that we knowcot, rather thenfupport himby a favourable conffrutti- on of that which is doubtful!. 3. For connivency, many cannot winke at any thing. 4, For admonifbing theirbrother, they will not venture the loffeof his favour. S. For pardoning., many can never forgive till they have revenged. 6. For covering any infirmities of our brethren, many maketable talke and delight to be difcourfingof other mens wants and failings ; like flefh. Ryes thatare alwayes fitting upon the foamsof their brethren. In the fecund placewe muff learne to praçdife this Chriftian duty ofbearingand forbearing one another, yea and that not to 7. times, bat to 70. times 7. times, as Chrift exhorteth us. And if we confider ei- ther what we have yen, andwhat we have done , or what wee may doe, it would perfwade much with us, Tit. 3. z, 3. Gal. 6. r. When we are wrongedand injured by others, wee mutt confider and know, it isby Gods will and providence fo to abafe us and hum- bleus; God bids Shimel curie and revile David; if God will thus ex- ercife our patience, we muff not refitsnor returne like for like, but bee meekand patient towards all. Again, ifmen have infirmities and weakneffes that difpleafeus and agreenot withour wills, we muff not be foproud as to rage and bee difcontented, becaufewe are croffed, but meekly and patiently beare with theirweakneffes and infirmities. Rem. 15. r. we that are /lreng, ought to heart the infirmities ofthe weake, andnot to pleafe our (elves. h argueth pride when we will beare with nothing contrary to our will and liking. r. Confider