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V E It ;. Ephefian.r, Chap.¢. j. Confider what is thy will that thou fhouldeft preferre it be- fore Gods will!It is Gods will that luch infirmities , weakneffes and wrongs (hall be in thy brother. 2. Againe know this, that they are more contrary to Gods law and will then tothine, and yet God fuffers finners with long patience. 3. Chrifl would not Mare himfelfè, Rem. 1 g. 3. but as it is written, The reproaches of them that reproached thee, filonme: Becaufe there- fore we are proud , and exalt our felves above God and Chrift, and ourwillsabove theirs, therefore are we fo impatient. Let us there- fore labour in love andmercy to pity, and to beare with the infirmi- ties ofour brethren. A mother by lovecanbeare with many fcapes, infirmitiesand weakneffes inher children, which are difplcafing and contrary to herwill. It is nothing but felfe-love and pride of heart that makes us fo impatient. V ER S. 3. Endeavouring to keep the Visit, oftheSpirit in the bond of Peace. Here the Apofle prefcribeth unto them the way whereby they (hall attaine to the pra6tife of the forenamed verrues and graces, by whichtheir callingand holyprofeffion (hall be made glorious and a- miable in the eyes ofall men, and that is a diligent care and endeavour after Vnityand Chriftian Concord one with another, he would have Chriftians to bee ofone mind, or to mind one thing, to becof one heart. Obferve; Gbrifliansfhouldflrive to come rtenear ar pof f ibly theyCast* the Ynity of Faith,Religion or opinions. This the Apoftle doth by a Prong argument here enforce; for he doth befeech them by vertue of this bond to walkworthy oftheir vocation; and how fhould that be In all long-fbf. firing andlowlineffe ofmind,(upporting one another in love,endeavouring to keepthe Vnity of the spirit in the bondofpeace ; Unity of the Spirit is it he perfwades unto. Lowlineffe ofmind and patiencewill bring men to Unity, as pride, felfe-love, and impatience, Both make men eafily diffent in affection, and opinion. 71`he Apofle elfewhere preffcth this exhortation,Phil.a. r,2,3. Paul dothconjure them; fftberebe any confolationinCbrifi,any felowfhipof the Spirit,ifany bowells, anymercies, fulfill yet my joy, bee like minded, having thefame love, being ofone accord, ofone mind, And in the fame Epiftle,Chap.3. r 5,t6. 4smany as areperfec7, be like minded, and ifinany thing ye beotherwifeminded (for all have not one light to feeby, all not one meafureofgrace , all not of like time, all have not received the fame influenceof the Spirit)yet be patient, Codmay reveale it unto us. Satan ftrives nothing more then to disband theChurch; we being knit by finewes, if he can but cut the finewes of loveand doctrine and croffe it, he hath enough. And as light va- pours andexhalations being drawne from the earth, come downwith great tempefts: fo from light differences in opinion(ifthere be not a great meafure of grace) doe proceed oftentimes great formes and R r z tempefs 451 VERS. 3. Den: Chrifiant (honed nrive for unity in faithand opi- nion. WhirhSatan looks mainly to hinder.