4.5z I Ephefians,Ghap. 4. V E R. 3. tempefls ofwrathand envy. Study for Unity offpirit; It is a fruit of the flefh to make divifion and feparation : r Cor. 3. 3. Whereas there is amongyou envying andfirife and divifions, areyee uet cane and walk as men? Theywere forted, fome to this Minifler, fome to that fome ofPaul, forceofApollos,Tome ofPeter; areye not carnallc But you will fay, what letsuse Howmay this be avoydede The Apoftle gives usa rule that will goe throughout, Phil. 2. 3, 4. Let nothing- be done through ffrife, or vain-glory, bat in lowlineffe of mind, let eacheffeem other better then themfelves: Lay downe a ftriving fpirit, then therewill be Unity; for then theywill underhand one ano- ther, or beare one with another, till God make it cleare to both. Another let to this Unity of Spirit, is vaine-glory : Some men be fo cholerick and hot, that no man can have peace with themexcept they be juflof their mind:lay thisdowne, it is a fruit ofthe flefh. It is the glory offorce; takingup force errant', he muff not lay it downe. It is not (as a Divine faith) in ftriving forGods truth, as in other conflifs; one conquers, and the other is foyled and overcome; but to be con- quered and to conquer is honourable to both ; for a man to be over. come in that he fhould yieldunto, is amercy ofGod to him. Oh this vainglory!that men think it a fhameto lay down any thing they once have taken up, though God have madethecontrary cleare, they will not lay it downe left it be faid, they turne hack. This vaine-glory is the nurfeofcontention, ifwe will labour for Unity of judgement and offpirit, we muff overcome this neck- break, that is,vaine -glory and a ftriving fpirit. TheApoftle gives other caveats againft it. Let each efíeem other bet- ter then themfelves; this ineftimation of other mens graces and gifts as though they had nothing, this makes us diffent in affcltions. Though there be many failingsançl wants in our brethren , many in- firmitiesdifpleafing tous, and many thingsdiffering from us and con- trary to us,yet let not any of thefe makea differenceofour minds, and fpirits, and affeEtions, one towards another, but that we frill repute, judge, account andaffefi onethe other as Saints and brethren, love one another as the children ofGod, notwithflanding thefe infirmities, and let thatone fpirit of God which isin usall , guide and rule all our thoughts, delires and affcäions one towards the other, as brethren. And think it not a matter of reputed honour tomakecontentions, it is cafe to take them up, not fo eafie to lay them down , eafie to take up quarrells, not foeafie to renounce them, it is eafie toknit knots, not fo eafie tountye them, eafie to find faults , not fo eafie to amend them. Some make it their work to pick quarrel's , quarrelling at the Mini- ftery, at the Church, at the doi rine , at the government, and thinke they carrya great deale of reputation; in the meane time leave their ovine callings, having little to doe, and take themfelves to this. Alas, thefe men have loft themfelves in this way: Is this the way of a Chri- ftiane Let us underfiund our felves better, and what may bee made goodby interpretation, take it for confcience fake , and not as fume doe, Objer1. Anti. Phil.a. ;. Meanes how to attaine it. To lay down a firiving fpi- rirt Secondlyvain- glary,which is anenemy to Unity of fpirit. Phila.;. Thirdly the difeflcem of other men. It h no ho MIT to make contentions.