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V a R. 3. Epbefianr, Chap. t}. 453 doe, take up quarrel's and will not lay them dowse. Labour for Unity of fpirit, and let no man think that to behis glory which is his Chame, but endeavour for Unity in Chrift, for the Chriftian faith and for the ChurchofGod, this 'hall be our glory, for this is the will of God, that we live inUnity of the Spirit. The fecond thing to be marked is this: That it is not enoughfor us to entertainagreement,but wemullgivediligent endeavour to comrade it,and continue it: Studying:. keep the Vuity of the Spirit, if it be pofible,as muchas in you lyeth havepeace with all men. Follow peace with all men. And the Pfalmift, Pfal. 34.14. Seek peace andpurfue it. He that is not a man ofpeace, is not a manof God. The Apoftle tells us, thewifdome which i from dove , is fir/i pure, then peaceable. He had faidbefore, ifye have bitter envying and !trite in your hearts,glory not; this wifdome is not from above, but is earthly, fenfuall anddevilli/h; that wifdome wherein a man is wife to himfelfe, and reproves and contemnes others, and hath envy and malice, it comes not from heaven , but is a baftard, it is the daughter of the earth; it is fenfuall, proceeding from the corruption of nature; yet we are not at the right father; It it devilli fh, ofthe devil', the father of al l eviti; and then be goes on, thefruit ofrighteoufneffeù fewne inpeace , of them that make peace. Let no man then think himfelfe to have the wifdome of God that is not peaceable. Wemull ftudy for thit.Unity , Peace andConcord , becaufe there is that bred in the boneand dwelling inus, that is prone todiffention, thefeed offchifine.Gal. 5.2o.Hatred, Debate, Emulation, Wrath, En- vy,&c. AndS. lames tellsus,The firit which is inyou lufieth after envy; that is, the corrupt difpofition of mans naturali frame and temper of fpirit carrieth him ftrongly to theexecution ofhis envious and malici ous purpofes and dcfires. The envious man (thedevill) doth molt diligently watch to fow his tares ofdiffention, ever Paul and Barnabas are let at variance; and in all the Churches which the Apoftles planted , there were rents and fchifines foone hatched. Againe it is acomely thing, Pfal. 133. r. and a credit to Religion: Beholdhowgood andpleafant a thing it istofee brethren todwell together in Ytty. Laftly, God takes tdhimfelfe the title ofthe Godofpeace,as well as ofconfolation, The Godofpeace be with you. Rom. 15. 33 The God of peace'hall treadSatan under yourfeet. The Lordby his Spirit never be. gatan unpeaceable fpirit. The Sonne of God alto is called the Prince of peace. So that in thefe confiderations wee mutt bend our bell endeavours that wee uphold the Chriftian Concord when it is be- gun. Here many may be reproved, thofe who delight to fow ftrife and contention , fire brands of Chriftian focicty, who are fo farre from endeavouring and ftudying for Unity and Concord , that they flye from it. Suchis our waywardneffc often, that the more we arefought R r 3 unto Doll. 2. wemutt doe men e then en- tertains peace: vi ¿.diligently fl udy to main. taint it. Rom.t2. t8. Heb.t2. t4. 7l4tuJ:m r . Iam.;. 19. 'Thepedegree ofcontentious wifdome. verá t5. Iam.3. t8. Afafon 2 A contentious nature is bred within us. Iam.4.5, Reafon3, Ads 15.39 Realm 4. pfal.t33. t. Wefon s, t Cor.13.1s. Y. It blatneth towers of ca tention.