Iv E R. 4.. Ephejans, Chap. 4.. 4" tailedit wasTweet. What followeth, he gave hisfbaulder to beare , and Gen49. =s. would part with his money rather then forgoe his quiet privacy: So it is with us as Gen.-13. 8,9 . Let there be noftrife I pray thee between me and thee, &c. ys not the whole landbefore thee? Separate thy felfe from me,sf thou wilt take the left hand, t willgot to the right,&c.Here we fee in Abraham, that a peaceable affeEtion will part with his owne right, ems,. s. 7. rather then give place todiffention. Verily it is a fault among you ( faith the Apoftle) that yegoe to law one with another, why doe yea not rather fiferwrongc Two hard things cannot make a wall, but a loft and a hard thing; no more can two hard hearts that will yeeld to to nothing. Iftherefore we defire Concord, getpeaceable difpofitions, a blef- cf. fed thing; andifany loft to hecontentiows, remember that we have no [itch Gepo doneecoa s. ete enflame nor the churches ofGod. But how (hall we get and maintaine peace? Loeb i. Take heedofgiving offence,for asafparkecaufeth fire, fodoe "Inf. offences cattle (bile , Prov. tS.Grievowa words caufe/(rife,buta Mi. an- axnd co g nc fiver paciffesh wrath. It is the Apoftles exhortation, Let the peace of Peace. Godrule in your hearts, and be yeaamiable, that is theway tohave Peace coi .,5. rule,in your hearts. 2. As not togive, fonot to take offence, for wee cannot live a- mong men, huttherewill be occafions, but we muff learne to paffeby hm.;.=. offences and injuries, and follow therule of the Apollo, Be peaceable, gentle, eafe tobe entreated ; ready to accept conditions of Peace with our brethren. 3. Take heed how we begin any contention , for when it is once let on foot, it is hardly compofed,as fire and water if theyget a little riot,:7.4. paffage, are hardly flopped or quenched, but run with violence. The beginningoffirife is as when one letteth out waters. 4. Tokeep Peace, get pure hearts: Aheart full of tuft is alwayes turbulent; mares, ashe was pure, fo he was peaceable : The devill on the contrary, as he is an impure and uncleane fpirit, fo he is the father ofall difcords and diffentions in all places,and whofoever are hereunto addi&ed, doe moll lively refemble him. VERSE 4. There is one body, andone Spirit, even as yea are called VERS. 4. in one hope ofygurvocation. Now the Apollo (becaufe this is a thing which the nature of matt lulling after envy, brooketh not, whichSatan that envious one migh- tilyoppugneth) doth enforce the duty by diverfityof reafons. r. From the things wherein we are one. a. From this, that every one hath fome thing fingular and proper to himfclfe: For both thefe (as (hall be opened)are forcible motives tokeep the fpirituall Vnion above named. The fide kind of argument bath leven branches layd downe in the fourth, fifth, and fixth verfes. The fecond is layd downe in the feventh verfe , and is profecuted to the feventeenth verfe of this chapter. l irft then the Apoftle reafoneth thus. Thofe that are one body, they mull be at one. -Wee