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VER . 4, phefianr,Chap. 4. 447 let there be no ftrife amongft us, we are one body , fellow-members pre with another. Wemuff be wife therefore and doe in this myfti- call creature as we doe in our naturali men: if we be fuch as have a member out of joynt,we feek while it is green to have it fet againe with the fellow - members: So ifour affections be alienated from any ofour brethrenand lifters, we are Ihot out of joynt , we muff betime knit againeby the bondoflove with that fellow- member fromwhom we are fwerved. Who ever in his rightfenfo hated his owneflefh? But if we that are members ofone body fhould neglect one another, bite one another, we fhould defpightfully intreat our owne fiefh, which is ex- ceeding monftrous. vend one Spirit.] If the formermotive be not fufficienr, here is a fecond. Obferve; Thu ought greatly to move we to love,tothink that allofus who doe be- lieve, live by oneandthefelfefame spirit. What Spirit is here meant? Gods Spirit which doth quicken and fandifyevery beleever. r Cor. rz. t r, one and the fame Spirit worketh all in all. Itmay be asked, how this place agreethwith that, Bevel. t. 4.Where grace is trifledfrom the Father, Son and[yenSpirits! Theplace may be confirued of the untreated Spirit, or of the An- gels : if ofthe fiat, it is Paid feven, not to multiply the effcnce of ir, whichisone, but tonote the manifold works and graces of ir. Second- ly, it maybe conftrued of Angels, and that molt fitly comparing it with the fifth chapter , verre 6. where S. John faith, lbeheld , and loe, in the midfl of the throne andofthe feure beafls, and in the midfi of theElders flooda lambe as it hadbeen faire , having (even bornes, and feven eyes?, which are thefevenf(iirits ofGod,fentforth into all theearth. This Both not eftablifh the idolatrous doctrine of Angels, nor calling on Saints departed; for though grace be wifhed from them, it is not wifhed asfrom autbours or procurers by their meritsand interceffions, but as Minifters fent forth for the good of them who [hall bee heires of falvation. It eftablifheth not calling on Saints, becaufe the fpirits ofjuft men departed are not fent forth to minifteramong us. To rcturnenow to the ufe ofthe dodrine. We all of us mutt from this fo ftrait conjundion, that we have one fpirit in us,be moved to live in unity. The thing is manifcft that we are thus,as r Car. r z, r 3.By one spirit we are all baptizedinto one body. So we have beenmade to drink the fame[pint nalldrink.Wchavethrough faith drunk that blood,through whichthe quickning fpirit commeth into us all. Wehave not every one a diverfe fpirit,as every man hath a diverfe foul: But look as all the membersofthe body have the felf-fame foule, though eachof them a diverfe operation: Sowe have all ofus one and the felfe-fame fpirit , though theoperations ofit bediverfe. And this is a confideration,which, if any other may prevailewith us, that all of us are fo many men that live in a manner with one foule:Though in deare friends , the heart of one may cleaveto the otherby an inter- courfe EphcC.g.t9. Doff. A feconelmo- tive to Con- cord , it to confider how we live by one fpirit. Jeff vinf kuofl,' v1nf: What the re; ven(pirits are. Revel. f.6. Heb. 4. z4. v¡e. Let irprovoke usto a tirait conjundion. z Car. to. 4.