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458 Epheflrns, Chap. +. V E R. 4, courfe ofaffe ions,yet the fouleof one cannotbe in the other, every manhath his own fpirrt: But in all ofus there is one Spirit which doth inform and .quickenevery member of the body of Chrift. But it may beasked,how it commeth topaffe, ifall have one fpirit, that Chriftians are fo divers in judgementand converfation? It is one thing tohave one fpirit, another thing to have it working alike in us: Every part in thebody bath the fame foule, yet fo that it workethfarremore vitalls in theheart, then in the foot : So it is with the Spirit, it is in every member, yetit doth not enlighten every man alike, nor fanâify every one in one meafure, from thence commeth fuch diverfity of judgement and praEtife , thatone mans meat is a nothersmans poyfon. Well, we muff think of this, that all ofus are aapiultitude living withone foule, and therefore liveas one in theVni- tyoftheSpirit : TheApoll le Philip.2. r. doth lay down thisas avehe- mentmotive : Iftherebe any communion ofthe Spirit,then be like minded; havingall but one fpirit of lifein allthe membersofthe body: Though this fpirit of lifeand health be more in force members then in others, whereby force aremore nimble, quick, lively, and have fewer infir- mitiesand difeafes ofthe old t /dam and the fiefh then others have. As in the body ofman, there is but one foule inall themembers, and thofe members that are moll difeafed, unfound and foae, yet have the fame fpiritof life toquicken them and live by as other have : So having all the fame effemials of foule andbody & life, thoughwe dif- ferin force accidentals ofoutwardaEtuall wrongs or infirmities, thefe fhouldnot break Peace or Vnity ofSoule and Spirit, and rend the bo- dy and members of Chriff one from another. Again, it is to be obferved by the way,that the Apoftle doth extend the Spirit as farre as the body; teaching us thereby, Thatwhofoever doth belong asa proper member tothis body , healfohatb this quickningfpirit. Thewicked are not properly members ofChrift, they want the inward conjunEtion :that inward quickning which all have that are Chrifts. So many as are Chrifls are led by the Spirit of Chrifi. Wickedmen and temporarybeleevers they are in the vifible Church,but are not living membersofthe body; but look as a glaffe eye,ora wooden leg, or a wenne on the body,are not propermembers ofit, for they havenot the foulequickning them to the function and afeof members: no more are the unregenerate that want this Spirit which giveth the beingofa member to a member. This fhall fuffice tohavetouchedby way ofobfervation. It followeth: At yehave beencalled in one hope ofyour calling.] The third argu- ment followeth; whereobferve: Thatwe mujJ labourto livehere as one, becacfe irefhaRhe one ingloryforever. As our prefent condition in the effentials is thefamehere, fo our future condition in heaven for the effentials of eternall lifeandglory is the fame ; wee are all called to the fame inheritance immortal andundefled,thecommon inheritance ofthe Saints in light. For the underftandingofir, three things muff be enquired. r. What uuefl: Diverfity of judgements amongChri- niana whence. Philipp.n.t t. This diverfity ought not to break our uni. ty. DOa7. The wicked areno true membersof tbemyfficall bodyofChrrlt ftom,8,g. Doïé: Our unity in glory a motive toChriftian unity here.