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\7ER. 4. pheftanr,Chap. 4. ( .' 9 I. What this Calling i4. 2. What this Hope is. 3. How itis faid one Hope. For the firft. Calling is an actionof God,according to his eternal' !whatCalbng purpofe, put forth in the preaching ofthc Gofpell , which doth tran- t'' fate us from our miferable eftate, to the glory of God. r. That it is of God, you have it every where.2.Tim. r. 9. Who bath faved us and called us With an holy calling,&c. z Theft: z. 14. Whereunto Godbath called you by our Gofpell, to obtaine the glory ofour Lordlefts Chrift. Rom.8. 29, Whom hepredeflinated, them he called. 2. That it isan action according to purpofe, it is plaine, becaufe awife artificerdoth not work this or that, whichhe Both not firft cafe and devife inwardly within himfelfe. Rom. 8. 29. 2 Tim. r. 9. 3. Put forth in the Gofpell: for the Calling outward and inward are nor two Callings, but one, as when I fay, a man is partly outward and vifible, as his body, partly inward and invifible, I make not two men, but one; and this you have, 2 Theft2. 14. Who bath called you ly our Gofpell: The latter part ofthe defcription you have every where. v1eh 26. 18. Paulwas fent ofGod to the people, to open their eyes,and to turne them fromdarkueffe relight , and from the power ofSatan unto god. Cots. 13. Who hathdeliveredus from the power ofdarkneffe, and bath tranflated us into the Kingdome of the Senneofhis love. Thepoint from which, is our miferable eftate, the point to which, our glory. objrdlio. But fome may fay, ifthefe two are not two Callings, then al wayes the inward goeth with the outward. I anfwer , it doth , as al- wayes with theoutward reachingof the Sacrament , there goeth the inward exhibitingand offering the thing. Then you will aske; Why doe not all come when called Whydoth not all ground bring forth fruir when rained one The grounds are nor alike; that is not all; Divinity giveth a higher caufe, God fends it into one place, inblefsing, into another, in his surfs: SoGod doth not direét his inward Calling with the fame intention to all.Thusyou have heard whatismeant here by Calling. For the fecond, Hope fignifteththe thinghoped for, layd up in hea- 2. ven; Col. r. 5.For thehope-fake which is laid npfor you in heaven. r Pet. Hope thing for I. 3. We are begotten againe to a livelyhope; as we fay of a child , he is hoped for. his fathers joy; it doth not fignify here the affeétion ofrejoycing, but the thing joyedin. For the third, How can theglory hoped forbe one, when there are 3- { many degrees anddiverfity e tnfiv. It is one in kind and fubftance, Degrees of for though for circumftanceof greater or letter it is different; it is the cir- fubR not but cumftance,notthe fubftance inwhich is diverfity. for circum- Now then this mull: make us liveas one here, that we (hall be one flame. in this glory: The fimilitude of condition doth ferve greatly to unite Fle affeétion,and therefore we fay; Birds ofa feather fly together. So it is here, ifthis were powerfully before us, that we are fuch as mutt corne to live for ever in the felfe. fame condition of glory , it would make Outward and inward Calling gbe together. Oka. 4f us