460 Ephefians Chap. 4.. VER. 4.' us walke more affeCting one another in this race ofour pilgrimage. Suppofe two brethren herethat are like to be joynt heyres of faire irrhoi irances, and live in forne COuntrey together; this hope ofhercaf- tcr is a great meane of uniting them in love for the prefent. In the world fometime it farethotherwife, equality in greatneffe bath going I with it c melation; but in heaven, there is no fuchmatter , the greateft glory wanreth pride, the meaneft iswithout envy. Iiereare further two things tobe obferved : as firft, that he faith, thefeEphefans were called to the hope, giving us toconfider, How that till theLord dothby hiscall awaken us, we thinke not of the hopes laid upfor us in heaven: for we all loyter without the vineyard till the Lord doe byre us, and covenant with us. Ifwe look about us, wee (hall fee how molt men vani(haway in their owne courfes,never think. ing ofthe things which fhall endure for ever. Thedue contiderationof this would, as a fpurre, quicken us to all duty , namely of the glorious recompence our God hath in ftore for us. cíliofes chofe rather to fifer afflictions with thepeopleof God, then to enjoy thepleafires of(in fora feafon: Why! For hehadrefeiäto the recom- pence ofreward. Ifthe Lord kept nothing in (tore for us,we might think as good play for nought, aswork for nought; but no office of love , a cup of cold water fhall not goe unrequited. Though thereforewe have not the thought ofmerit, yet wehave this benefit by our heavenly in- heritance, that it is amotive unto us inviting to all duty. We fee hence what maketh fuch cold working and cold devotion, even this, men knownot their hopes. Did we fee that Godfor earth- ly things will giveus heavenly, we would part with them, and count that dcarely fold, that were fo given : Did we feethe harveft ofglory, how willingly would weabide the fweat all the day long? No, men think, though theywill not (for flume) fay fo : it is in vaine to ferve the vllmighty, whatprofit rs there, That we have kept his comman- dements[ Againe, here we fee howwe may provoke our felves to doe and fuffer the Lords pleafure; look up to thole faire hopes we have in hea- ven,that richrecompence ofreward, the Crowne ofimmortality laid up for us inheaven: we areall for what willyougiveme , as Peter faid, what (hall we have Lord that have left all. Acquaint thy felfe with there hopes ofeternall glory, nonepayeth better wages , none like to thy God. I know worldly men thinke a bird inhand is better then two in the bufh, like prophane Efa efteeming ametre of pottage forthwith better then a birth-right to come; but the wife- hearted will look at the time to come, and efteem agood thing, though in reverfion, bet- ter thena prefent trifle. Secondly, it is to be marked, How the Lord in the miniflery of bit Gofpell dothcall us to nomeantthings, but tothe bop of eternalglory. So that ifany thing be gainful!, this is above all the reft, Godscall in the preaching ofthe word. z Theft: 2.14. Who bath calledus by the Bofpe/ DoEi. Mer.ro;. Ourrewardlaid u in heaven far us\vo.dd quick: n nr co allduty beln.; well tuough: upon. Hcb, r t. 25. Our cold ca- ving ofGod comes from ignorance of or not confide ring orli re- ward. Mal; r}. 2. We muli (titre up our fave% byloolcing co it. Mar. ac, r 7. Doff. 'God by the Gofpell cal- led, u; to the hope ofcm- null glory. to