V g 5. Ephe flana, Chap. g... j 445I to obtaine theglory of our Lord lefts Chrifl. So you have ir, Col. r. 5.' For thehope fake which is laid up for you in heaven, whereof yee heard before in thewordoftruth, which is the Gofpell. So that the Gofpell is is which bringeth us to be pofieffed of thefe hopes; hearing of them by the Gofpell, that is, by the glad tidings of themwhich God doth fend us byhis nìcflengers. a Tim.t.to. Our Saviourlef iss Chrifl hathbrought lifeand immortality to light by th e efpell. For look as we cannot know what is done in France, rill force come over thence and tell us the newes there; So we cannot know what is done in heaven , till God fend dowse the newes of it unto us.(for the Gofpell is nothing but good newes from heaven touching rrghteoufneffe, life and falvatióh throughfaith in Cbrift ) It thereforebeing thus, that we who are called of God , have fuch ye T. hopes as thefe are, itbecommeth us to reckon them with our felves. We mould Men that are wealthydelight to be telling oftheir treafures ; yea wee they reckon are fo wife in the world,that we know allour poffibilities.And ifwe be p ineleetion for any thing, we are nor ignorant. Let us much more la- bour to knowfuck faire hopes as thefe are, to wh:eh the. Lord hath called us by theGofpell. Again ,it doth let us feewithwhat purpofe &willingnes we fhould Vfe z. An come to the preaching of the Gofpell; for this being it that the cal- d wore to the Word to ling ofthe Gofpell tends unto, even the inheritanceofglory, we muff heart Godcall leek this in corn ming to heare God call us, that we may be taken to t to glory. glory: We fhould have this inour eyeswhen wegot ro the preaching ofthe Word, which is thecall of God. The 'molt come forth to the Word for order, to fee and to be feen,to know and be known, ro learn fore thingsof whichthey maydifcourfe; Alas ! theyhave not this thought with themfelves,Now I goe:to be called by. Godto the hope ofglory. This Ihould flirteup our attention to this Word which difcovereth Vf 3. loch wealth: Ifone can tell usoffomerich purchafe,at a cheap rate, Isfhoul make offore gainfull bargain, &c. Howwill we heare on that 5'dee The thcwora Gofpettclleth its ofall bl'effcdneffe in this life-and thattocome,the un- fearcheable riches of Chrift.to which all the-wealth in India is but drofs and dung, this is all revealed in theGofpel. How fhould we love this Gofpell ifa man tell us tidings ofa horfèflrayed, we think our fclves beholding to him ; but this telleth us newes offuch heavenly things asnever cye.faw,nor Bare heard,nor_ever entred into the heart ofman. Againe, it doth Phew how readily we fhould retort to the preaching VP4. ofthe Gofpcl; (fa man call us and make us hope to chime fame final l And willingly gaine by him, we follow him willingly.. Taut the Lord calleth us to ¡é;nn come,to that undefiled, everlafting inheritance. We fee in lotteries, how eve- ry one flocketh,and in hope todraw forriething that may make him a man, he will adventure more or leffe: The preaching ,of the Word is Gods lottery, here he calleth you, maketh your lot tonne forth with life everlafting written on it. VERSE 5. one Lord;one Faith, one Baptifme. Vets. q S f