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q.61, \ Ephefiana, Chap. q.. 'T g R. s, Pithfor the mattcr,the word [Lord] is attributed toall the perfons; fometime more efpeciallywith appropriation to Chrift , /am the Lord &xod.zo.3, thy God. Ifi bea Lard, where is my honour? Mal. t. 6. Thus the Father, Sonne, and Holy Ghott, every one is Lord. Zefi, It may beasked,How then is there one! nf As we fay the Father is God, the SonneGod, and the Holy Ghoff All the per- God, yet all oneGod, not three. The reafon is , becaufe the divine Gm, are each natureand power in which. this is grounded is one and fame in all. Lord, but There is Lordfhi with propriety, a more f eciall Lordfhi attributed ChriRinafpe- P P P cialt :Wanner. to Chrift alone: t Cor. 8. 6. Therese one Lord leftes Cfirift, by whom are all things,andwe by him. Ads 2. 36. God both mode that fame le[ whom rye have crucified, both Lord anti Chrefi'. foh.13. 13. Tee call meMaier andLord, andyee fay well, for 1 am fa. The Lordfhip which maketh Chrift the head and fpoufe ofhis Church and thus it is molt Delá, fitly taken, as beltagreeing with the bodyand fpirir which got before, This oWght to and with the word and Sacraments which follow after. be ab,, iof Obferve then, That this mall cant aimwe in unity ,toconfider that wee unity rousthat allof'a, fervebutoneLord. For firft, w< Cecve bvt WC Lord. Thisdath make i^ poilible than we fhouid live as one under him; Alafon r. Ifwe had two matters, we mightprove that true happily which Chriti Mat.6 fpeaketh; bane canferve two sJ31a/ìer.c; tome would pleafe one, fome the other, but having one onely, we may all ofus jumpe in one, if we approve our f eves to him. 'a fm 2 I is alto decent; for ìn civili confederation doch not thisbind ail fubjeóts together to civili concord, that theyhave but one King ! fo in this myfticail body. Reafon3, It doth awe us, to live peaceably one with another , becaufe my Lord is his Lord, his mine: The injury done to the fervantredoundeth to the Lord; yea therefore becaufe we have one Lord, I have nothing todoe toufurp any thing over my fellow fcrvant. Rom.r4. 4. Who art'. thou that judgeft another mans fervant! to hisowne matter he Rand- ethor falleth. tfe. We mutt all then, feeing we have one Lord and Matter, waike'. peaceably and lovingly one with another. Thole that are retainers and' fervants to tome Noble man, this dorh bind them together, they are' fellow-,fervants: fo fhould it be with us, we all have one M ifler , and are fellow- fcrvants under Jefus Chrift our Lord and M tier. ore Faith.] This word [Faith] path many fignifications, here wee take up two: 1. Thegrace of beleefe in the heart. 2. Theword or doltrine offaith: Beforefaith came, we were un- der the Law. In this latter fenfe it is here taken, as Hope in the verle before. Again, after the Lord, fitlycommeth in his law, and it hash more affinity with the unity in the facraments which follow. e/f, How is the doétrineof Faith one, when under the Law they had How the faith one, under the Gofpell wee have another! is one. Divers ,I