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V E R. y'. Ephefanr, Chap. q.. 46; Divers, in regard at divers times , in divers manners, it bath been Anf. delivered. One, in regard that alwayes the felfe-fame matter and fubftance was revealed: H.nce we learne, That the true Churches ofGod profiffe Dotf, one and thefelfe.famedoílrine, and therefore muli' hold in (lriritual concord one with another. Toprofecute either branch: other foundation can no zhore i ,o. man lay, then that which is laid,lefou Chrifl. Which Go(fiell is not another, one doadne but thefame Well, there is but one Chrifèian doélrinc which the viii. of(the true óE blc Church can imbrace andhold; for god and chrifl were yeflerday, Chrift. to day, and will be the fame for ever. And as the Church of God Heh.r ;.s. hath hadone, fo all the Churches now have oneand the fame. But it will be obje ted by the Papifts, that we have not the confent objets. of Catholick Antiquity, and therefore not the fame doctrine :that we have diflention>among our felves, every new yeare making force thing new in our faith, as the ancient fpake of the Arians , therefore we have not one doctrine among our felves. The ancient Catholick confent fl:andeth in two things. Howweat- . In thereceiving of the Scriptures. cord with ca- 2. In receiving the ancient Creeds in the true fenfe of them, ,,ikeanti- which our Churches doe, as may eafily appeare. Tiny. For the fecond.They whohave diffentrons among themfelves have not one faith. The anfwerto this bath foueconfiderations. How our dif- s. TheVnity of doctrine mull be confidered; fcrences difa- I. As given from God. nul not unity in the faith.'. 2. As received in the Church. In the firft fenfe, we have one doctrine. In the fecond, it is true that we doe not all alike receive this one doctrine. This is the deflinyof the truevifibleChurches, there (hall be hereues in them, much inward diverfrty of judgemenr,they that are perfect thinking thus, others otherwife. 2. There is not fuchwant ofVnity as the Papifts pretend: for pri- vate mens fquaring doth not break the Vnityof Churches ; this being unjuft,that one mans or a few mens faults, fhould be charged on the whole Church. Now look the authorifed Catechifines, the harmony ofconfefïions, and you (hall fee our Churches in fubftance according many ofthem altogether. 3. OurDivines do correct thernfelves fecretly when they withthat cancelled that difagreeth with the word of God , fubmitting them- felves thereunto, which is a farrebetter falve for diffcntion, then yiel- ding our felves to the See of Rome. 4. The Papifts have moredifference ;Whoknoweth not the fadions ofscatifls and Thomiflst who knoweth not the multitude ofconftru- clions they haveof thofe words, Thu is my body; and dagger drawing, to which forceofthem have latelycontended, Thisthen being fo that we have for fubflance , and imbrace for the r e i.t fubflanceof it, one doeirine, let this beabond ofuniting us in heart cep S f 2 one ns in concord.