cc 464- Y 2. Yf3 How baptifnm isene. rotin 3.5. t Pet.3.zr. Doee, OurBaptiCme is a bandof u- nity tous. VERS. 6. Mal,t.F. DoC1. be mutt move us to concord becaufe we have all one Father. Ephe¡ians, Chap.4. V E R. 6. one with another. Diflonancy in circumfiances doth not breed dif- cord inbeleeving. Againe lookat idolaters whofeunity in error, is to thema farre fironger band then confanguiniry it felfe ; you fhall fee them leave their fathers houle to live with Catholicks, though stran- gers: Let us that doe hold our Principles of faith, fwallow difference of home-bred opinions, diverfityofrites, (hall there be more avaylea- ble to make feparation,then the bodyof truth is to make conjunction? We (hall be worfe then the Scribes and Pharifees, they, becaufe Paul was one in opinion with them, were favourable to him, Ac?s23.9. We feehence, how dangerous a thing itis to breed opinions in the truth ofGod, for it dothcut by little and little this principali anew of the Church, the unity ofdoétrine, and it Bothput a weapon into the hands ofourenemies. This doth ftrikethofedead, who think that every good meaning will carry to heaven, there is but onedoélrinc offalvation. one Baptifine. ] Nowfolloweth the fixth reafon. Howcan there be faidbut one, when the Scripture doth diftinguifh Bapuifmeofthe Spirit and of Water; Baptilme which wafheth away the fpot of the flefh, and that which clenfeth the confcience ? Anfwer. The fame thing isdivided into the dicerfe parts and pro- perties of it, as i;. I fay , a man is mortall and immortali, body and foule; I make not two men, bur oneman. Hence learne, That this mull be a band knittingno altogether, that wee are baptized with one Baptilme. we areall baptized by one Spirit intoone body. For there arc Sacraments inflituted of God , that they might eye us fait onewith another, and fever us from them that are without. Look thereforeas it is in civili things, this Both fomewhat increafe the unityof fervants, that they haveall one livery one Cognifnce: Sowe have all the fame badge ofChriftian profefìi,m. Let us not un- chritIémen for trifles,which we do,ifwe let every (mall matter prevail more to disjoyneus, then this badge of Chriffian profeflon to unite us in affeétion. VE R S E 6. one God and Father of all, 1, h above all, and through all, and in you all. The feventhand !aft argument, One God and Father : who is firft fer downe, thendefcribcd.The word [Father] doth fignify fometime the Nature, fometime the perfon; of i be a Father, we have one God and Father,& fohere the word is common to all the perfons,whofè gene- ration we are, for the the terme of [Father] is not ufed inregard oftne onely begotten Sonne ofGod. The defcription in the words following,doth note the propertiesof every perfon: above all;the primacyoforde::throughand in youall; the vertue & power &thepreféceofthe Spirit fanl ifying.Theargutrét is: That thismuff move as tobe one,becau(e the Godand Father ofur allis one. r. There is in this the exampleofGod who is one, though three in perlons, yet one divine nature as alikein them all; which Tfiniry in filch