V a R. 6, Ephefanc, Chap. 4. fuch a Unity is a prefident tous, that we, though many, lhould be one: Father, I pray, that they maybe one, as we areone. roh.ty. 2. It doth thew how meet anddecent it is for us ; wee have one God, one Father, why then doe we tranfgrcffe one brother againft anothere Isit not an unfeemly thing that one mans children,in a (range countrey,thöuld be falling out one with another! Sowith us,&c. This dothmove usto all equity and concord; what made lob folovingly yeeld even to his fervants, but this that oneGod they had who fathioned them both in thewombe. Did not . hee that made mein the wombe, make himf mod didnot onefafhion as in the wombe? robßt.tr This therefore mull further moveus to flick dole one to another, Yfe r. like as Ruth and Naomi did, Ruth.r. t6. Whither thou goefl, I ariagee; wherethou lodgefl, I will lodge: thy people /hall be my people, and thy God Ruth s 'fir my God; this was it that tyed them fo lirait together; this will be a powerfull motive tomake men (though never fo offended) returne in- to love. When lofephs brethren fufpelled his difpleafure, they make intreaty this way, Pardon the trefpaffeof the fervants of thyfathers god. Gento 17. And when every one of thefe mull move us to agreement, how much more alle A fevenfold cord is not eafily broken. It is a foule fharnefor us whoprofelfe our felves fubjecis ofthe Prince of Peace, to live at difcordone with another. Again, it dothteach us 'that all agreement compounded` on other PR z. grounds then thefe, isno fpirituall Union and will not ftand. In the No worlds union we fee that truly obferved, that the greatefi love endeth not founded oft inthe greateft hatred, for they build their concord on the fand,and on the unityof one Lord, therefore it is eafily fhaken. So all politick unions,where thefe grounds faith fathtr. are neglet ed, what arethey, as Daniel fhewes, Chapter 2. 43 . They arejoyning ofclay andyron,which can never bee fo compounded, but the onewill moulder from the other eafily: fuch a foder are confedera- cies without thefe motives here expreffed. Lafly, though the Apofle his Logick is very fruitful' in this point, yetthe Papifs are more plentiful', they have found out three more: onáothree a. Onevifible head. falfcandfri. z. OneSacrifice. volou,. 3. External! rires everywhere received. Butthefe areall ofthem nobonds ofthis Union; for Chrifian U- nity was alwaycs in the Church, yet by Popifh do&rine therewas not alwayesone vifible head of the Univerfall Church; for Aaron was head onelyof thepeopleofthe Jewes. Again, we reafon hence firongly againft their head , whom they make all in all for Unity, making this thecaufe of our diffentings and diverfities,becaufe we have not onevifible Head: For if this had been fuch a principal) groundofUnity, the Apoflc would not here have omitted it, but here is not aword ofit,and therefore he knew no fuch thing. They fay, it isitnplyed in thofe words, Onebody andSpirit; for the obfe#. unityofthe body depcndethon one head, s f 3 Weee. 4sß