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4.66 '; Ephefians, Chap. 4, V R. 6. Wee grant irdependeth on one head, but [vifible] isfoyfted in of their owne, to makethe Church atwo- headed monfter, to have mot Lords, that bath but one. For their facrifice of theMaffe, it is derogatory to theone onely fa- crifice of Chrift Jefus: And their diftinetion to falve all, doth overturn it felfe, makingan unbloody propitiatory facrifice ; for without fhed- dingofblood there io no remi fsion of fnoes. Theirrites have been caufeoffchifine, and a wall ofpartition ra- ther then abondof Vnion. Which is above all.] The Apoftle now defcribeth this God and Fa- ther from hjs prefence, which is twofold. L.dnf Heb.g. zn. 3. Daft. God ovetloo- kcthall things as beingpre - fentevc y where. Yfe r, a. Common to all, and5r. The prefence ofhisprovidence, or that bath twokinds. 2. SC infpecion over all- Ofhis power, fuflaining through all. z. The fecond prefence is more fpeciall that of grace, by his Spirit,Whois inyouall. You] being to be underftood with an Emphafis, as if he fhould fay, there is one God, the Father ofus all, for we arc his generation, who as he bath made all things,fo he doth overlookevery creature, andput forth the prefence ofhis power to fuftain it, but more efpecially hee dweller h in all you that beleeve by his Spiritofgrace. For the firft [above4.] Thisnoteth not his foveraignry only, but his providence: A little to open them: The conclufion is: That Godas he bath authority over all, fahe doth overlook every thing. TheLord is in his holy place, the Lords throne is in heaven hit eyes will confider, his eye, lids will try thechildrenofmen. Pfal. r 02. I9. The Lord lookeddownfrom the height ofhisfancâuary, from heaven did the Lord behold theeartb.Heh.4.13. There is no creature hid, but is manifefl in his fight. And Heb. r. iris Paid of Chrift, that he dotb Aflame all things. And Alls 17. 2.7. God is not frrefromas; we live, move, and have our being in him; thus every where is his providence, his power, . and alto himielfebeingprefent alto. For God is not with us as a King in his kingdonie, whole providenceis over it, whole power is through it, himfelfe being at Come ofhis Court- maniiions onely ; but God is himfelfe every where withhis providence and power. This thereforemuff teach us to feare himwhole eye is every where, whole power is through all:theeyeofa mortal creature and the power ofa Prince, howdotbit containe the moft wicked perfon, that he dare not tranfgreffe the law in his prefence e Howmuch more fhould God power keepus in fearer ifhe withdraw himfelfe,we (hall returne to our duff, yea become nothing. It convinceth many in thefe times, who fay in their hearts, as you have in ¡ob.,2. 1 z.Can God judge through the clouds,f the dark clouds hide bis fight, he walketh in thecompaffe of heaven ; for they durft not elfe prophanehis name with caftes, abufethemfelves in riot,contemne his word, ifthey did in their hearts think he law them, did they think they lived andhad their being inhim. Secondly,