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IVER , 7. %phefianf, Chap. 4. SecOndlÿ, It is to bemarked,that though the Lordbe every wherepre- fens, yet he dwelleth in the beleeving in efeciall manner. He doth come to us givingus grace andworking faith and love in us,by which wedo after a fort touchand embrace him, and hold him in us as in a San-' Eìnary. We therefore by how much the Lord is nearer us, mutt be more careful! to fanâifie him, not togrievehis holy Spirit,which doth feale us tobe the adopted fonnes of God. VERSE 7. But unto every oneof tee isgiven grace according to the meafureof thegifeof Chrifl. Now foiloweth thefecond kinde ofArgument, from the diverfe diftribution of Godsgraces, for it is more then a prevention. Thofe who none ofthem have all graces,but every one their parti- cular, ferving for the good ofthewhole, they mull cleave one to theother. But thus it is with you. The Verfe fetteth downe 2. things r. That every oneof us bath his gracegiven him. 2. The manner after which it is given; by meafure: Which is further ampliFyed fromthe Author,Chrift. The fumme is : As thefe things doe bind you to concord, that in fomany things you are one, fothis likewife, that none of youhave all graces, but one thus,and another thus, fo that ye have neede oneof.', another, and the grace you have, youhave itevery one but in a mea- fure, even that meafure wherein it pleafeth Chrift todiftributeto' every one. Firft, then it is to be marked in that he faith, To every one ofyou is givengrace; Thatevery member of the Church bath his feverall grace of God. We havenot all the fame graces, the fame degrees,but force thus, fomeotherwife. Rom. 12.4, 5. v1s we havemany members in one body, andall members have not theJame office: So we being many are one body in Chrifi, andevery one members ene of another. As the body bath many membersand faculties in thofe members; fo we have di- vers gifts according to thegrace that is given, and divers fervants, have divers talents, cn1at. 25. 14.. For,that we fhould have divers kindes and degrees, the nature of a body doth require it; fora body Hands not of one member,but of di- vers members,whichhave diversoffices and faculties in the body. The perfe &ion of the head Both require it, for as God did molt conveniently manifeft his Uniforme perfe&ion in the divers perfeEli- onsof the creature: fo the abfolute perfeétion of the head is fitly declared by the manifold perfc lions in divers members. And furely we may fee this true not onely in thofe that arc of divers Orders, as thofe that teach, thofe that minifter, thole that heare and are miniftred to, but in Chriftians of the feafe farne kinde, as compare teacher with teacher, hearer with hearer : And as you may fee in theoutward vifagesof us force difference, twain the 1 Church, notevery way alike : So the image of the foule bath like- wife q.6r Deaf. But heis more fplly . in the faith eeia full. rte. VERSE 7. Every Chrial, anhach his ['e- mailgrace. ,: Asafan I. Roft. a. The perfeai- on of Chrilt the head, ap- peareth"in the manifoldgra- ces feverally given the members.