468 of r. Wc muti beof ufe one to a- nother. Yfe2. And ufe our grace to Gods glory. Mat, z5.3o. Vje 3. We muffcleave one to another that we may have the bene- fit ofone ano. then graces. Rolf, z Cor.4.7. Since we have our graces of gifr,we mutt be thankcfnll and humble. Luk. 19.! ;. Dobt. EveryClui(ti- anbath but his fcantling of grace. HowChrift received grace. Ephefians Chap. 4. VER. 7. wifehis diverfitie and difference, which the fpirit of difcerning doth obferve. Seeing thenevery one hath his grace, that is a truemember, let us be Pure that we have fome grace wherewith we ferve one another through love; for elfe if we benot of ufe one to another, wee be but like wennesin the body, things that cleave to ir, not parts of it, but hangbyes, that may well be difinembred and cut off without Joffe or deformity to the body. Seeing every one ofyou have grace as a talent, be lure youlooke to theufing ofit for Gods advantage: Hewill keepe his Audit, and if youhave done no great hurt with it, yet ifyou have hid it in a napkin and done no good with it, it is hurt enough, more then will beanfwe- red; the fentence will paffe on all fuch : Take that unprofitablefervant, bind himhand andfoote, and raft him into utter darkeneffe. But he that bath beenefaithfu/l in a little,(hall be made ruler over much. Seeing we have our different graces,we mutt cleave one to another, that we may have the benefit of that gracewhich is givenanother : it the eye could doe every thing, then it might feparate from the other members, and fay, What neede have I ofyou ? but if it will have the hand to handlefor it, the footeto goe for it, then itmutt keepein com- munionwith thefemembers. Soif one ofus had every grace, then we fhould not neede others; but whenwe have our feverall gifts, wemull hold one with another, that what everyone hath proper to himfelfe, in regardof poffeffing it, that all of us may have common amongft us in regard ofthe ufe of ir. In the fecond placeit is laid, [graceis giventra] whichaI it isaground of thankefulneffe,f it cloth alfoperfn'ade to lowlinefeof minde;Wehave this treafure in earthen veffells,that the excrllencie of the power might be of Ged,andnotofmen. Wemutt not be like the Papitls,liftup our felves above other, thinke wecan deferve any thing with God; but feting that we have received that wehave, let us be lowly. If one thatnew- ly fetteth up, fhould take up wares here and there, if he should bragge andboafl ofthat whichhe is oncly betrufted withal!, it were foolifh pride: So it is with us; we have graces givenus, but of trufl to imploy them to Gods advantage : for Gods giftsare not like mens, who by deede ofgift doe often patfe the ftate wholly outof their ownehands; But God fo giveth, that he alwayes keepetha refervation tohimfelfe; octupie till 1come,faith our Matter. Thirdly. we have grate givenby meafure : whence we are taught, That what ever wehave, we have it in part, the Lord dash give us a fcantling, as he(eeth fitfor us. To open ir, r. Iris Paid of Chrift that the Father didgivehim the Spirit not by meafure, lob. 3.35. For Chrift was fuch a receptacleof grace, asthe fea is of waters; he received the fiilneffeof grace. 2. He received grace fo that he might impart itto all others, of hisfulneffeweallreceiv.egrace forgrace, lohn r. 16. As i