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Ammon Ephefra,u, Chap. 4. V iE R. 8. Spirit was not yet given, Chrift wasnot yet glorified. Yet further for underftanding Chrifts attending, we mutt know, that Chrift is after a fort a compounded Perfon of the Divine and Humane Nature, and Chrift afeen- ded bout t therefore we mutt fee how [afccnding ]cloth agree to either of thefe. in natures,. and, Know then, that the Divine Nature may be Paid to afcend in regard how? . ofcondition,:fo farre.forth as the glory of it was manifefled, which aftera fort the vaylcof weake fiefh did cover: for though the God- headbath no change in it fc Ife, yet in regard of manifefting without, it is not alwaycs alike : As a bright candle in a Lanthorne,is the fame, whether theLanthorne be covered, or beclean wiped, yet the light is notalike revealed in the one asit is iti the other. Secondly, asGod may be faid locally to afcend, inafmuchas he caufedthelocali afcentof his humane nature: Chrift- man 'afcended in regard of flare, by receiving gloryhe before had not in regard of place, properly leaving thefe lower feates, and going to thofe upper manfions above thefe heavens. 3. What iris to leadecaptivity captive r vinfw. Captivity fignifyeth What is the either the.adt ofcaptiving, or the (late of being captive; or by a figure leading oftap thofe that take us captive, or thofe thatare taken captive. civicycaptive. Hence grow 3. Interpretations. a , Chrift woke captivity captive, that is, he altered the captive eftateof his children, as that phrafe is not much unlike, He zCor.s;44. _ fwalowed tip dìátbinvit ory;butthis conítnldtion Both not anfwere the natureofthe Hebrew phrafe which this Grecke one Cb µxu er user] heredoth interpret. z. A fecdIdConftrudiion, be led captivity captive; that is, hee tooke away hischildren who were taken captive;.from un- der the poweroftbedevil! : butthis cannot be the meaning, for Chrift, if it had beetle in regard of us, fhould not have Beene faid to take ascaptive, but to refcue and deliver us beingcaptive : and thefetwophrafes have great difference, át .cxTmnttr,e átyf<xT.ead0r & ótrsgl5 e citxpxTWsfxr, is as the Hebrew ones rowhich they anfwere. 3. The third therefore is to be taken, He toike Captive thofe powers which did hold us captive, the World, Sinne, the Flefh, and Devil!. Givinggifts to men] Is the beftowing all fpirituall bleffings onhis Church. Here is one thing onely faftened falfely on this thefe. (viZ.) The taking theFathers out ofLimbo: towhich we Anfwere. z. The thing it felle is a fable,the fc ulesofthe Fathers being in hea- ven with Chrift. 2. It beinga dreame without warrant of Scripture, which is not apparently mif-interpreted. 3.. If Chrift fhould have freed the Fathers out of Limbo,hc fhouldnot have beene fayd to have taken them captive, but freed them from captivity. The fcope of the Verfe is, to prove Chrift the diftributer of all graces. The fumtneof it fetteth downe Chrifts Afcenüon, and the fruits The raking of the Fathers our of Limbo, whichwere be- 'fore Chri(t,is a fable.