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VER. 8. Ephefani,Chap. q.. fruits of it : one, in regard ofhis enemies, he tooke themcaptive ano ther in regard ofhisfriends, hegave themgifts; as if it hadbtcnc fpo. ken inmore words thus : This that I tell you of Chrift giving grace, is no new Do r' ótrine, but fuch as the Pfalmifl did by fpirit of Prophtlie forefee and teach of him, Satz. that he when now comn,o:; t< from his abafement toglorious ffate,lie did leave the earth, tt and goe above all heavens; that he (I fay) fhould vihìori- oufly leade captive all the Enemies ofhis people, and plenri- w fully powre out all fpirituall graces on the fonnes of men, that belong to him. T. Thenwe fee that the Apoftle proving that he fpake of Chrifr out of theold ScriptureBoth teach us, That they fpake no other do Doff. ilrines ofChriflthen what theScripture had fpokenbefore them : for that M. 'er, o Kht which herethe Apoftle Bothin this particular, hedid inall otter: fo brbatht,,oao- the Apoflle faithof himfelfe, Ails 26. 22. Having obtained helpe of ..,,, yta God, I continue unto thisday,witnefsing both to fmalland great, feting ptovrout o`e no other things then thofe which the Prophets and c. e fes did fay fheutd :h Scrip- came. And this is a worthy commendationof Apellos, He was a man' t C$. mightie in the Scriptures, to the Law and to the Te(fimoay, if any fpeake ifay smo. not according tethis ,there is no light in him. And in this we molt inuch more imitate the Apoftle, not to fpeake without a text, freitig wee I' e. havethe rule of Scripture more enlarged. It is no laudable thing in a Lawyer to advife this or that, havingneither (tatute, nor ruled cafe to thew : fo much more is it to be condemned in a Divine, if he (peak anything for which he cannot Phew hiswarrant out of the bo: eke of Gods (ratures. And fuch as love to be in thefe fpeculations , hich the word revealeth not,dóe fecretly challenge the fountainesof Ifrael, as ifthey weretoodry, whichishorrible wickedneffe. a. That the Apoftle doth cite this Scripture as a witnefl'e of truth greater then exception : It doth let us fee, How Soveraigne Authority the Scripture bath: which likewife from our Saviour Chrills Allegations mutt be gathered, It is writttn. His praétife was (till to produce authority from the Scriptures of the Old Teflament. Whichmuff be marked againftthe Papiffs, who would make their f ntenceof equal( authority with the Canonof the holy Scriptures. Thus much in a word for this,thatthe Apoftlebringeth inthis Text of Scripture to prove that hefpake. Thematter of theTeftimony hath 3. Conclufions. r. That our Saviour Chrift is gone intoheaven. 2. That he Afcending hath led captive all the powers of darkeneffe that were again(t us. 3. That he Afcending, dothenrich us with heavenly graces. Forthe r. onely remember i The manner of it. The Ufe of it. Our Saviour Chrift did notAland by becóming inviable, though he T t (till 5 Doti. The authority ofthe ScLi- ptures. Yf.