474 Chrifi his Af- fill continued his prefence, but did truely and really afcend : for the eenfionwag re. other Both butdelude the fenfe and turne this att,and not Article into a tricks of onelya va i- t ht. juggling. Thing out of B. Hedid Afcend vifibly,t ltï. t.g.While they beheld,hewas taken up, anda cloud received himout oftheir fight. 3. Locally, fo as he left thefe places, and was taken from being prefent with us, in regard of his bodyand foule. ... as 1. to. While they looked fledfafllytoward heaven, as he wenttip; Luke 24. pz. While he bleffed them, he was parted from them, andcarriedup into heaven. Yfe I. W rich fhould teach us tohave our converfation in heaven ; if a Vi. gin be contraäed to aman, fhould the mangoc from her, and take a houfe where they fhould live together, howwould her hear follow Cohn t*' =' after him [ the Lord Infus is our conrraded husband, and is gone to heavento prepare aplacefor us, how fhould our hearts be lifted up to him yf 2. It is a pledge to us ofourafcenfion intoheaven; where the head is, there the body mull follow, our flefh and blood is already poffeffed ofheaven. We have our The2. thing is, Whatgreat benefit we have by Chrifds telfcending, enemies tip_ even the triumphing over and holdingdowne all our enemies in thevillory Chfrett by of Chrtft. Wemay obferve here 4. der rres. centon. I. He did tight for ir, and ttrike the la ft flroake, wherewith he did win the day on his mire, 2. He did feife on the fpoyles, and take into his hand thofe whom he had fubdued his refurreetion, 3. He returning whence he came, led them captive, in his Afcending,which is the continuingof his victory atchie- ved over them. 4. He dothapply this in all hismembers, trampling them un- der the foote of fuchas beleeve onhim. All this hedoth fittingat the right handofGod, and raigning glo- rioufly over all his enemies: like as Captaines when they make any warlike expedition, they firft bid battell to the etiemies, till by fight they have fubdued them. t. They found a recreate. 2. Takethe booty and multitudeofCaptives. 3. Returning home, they leade themviElorioufly. 4. Now come home, they yeeld them up to the power of their Country. Yfe r, And this confideration, that Chrift bath taken and doth hold captive all our enemies, doth teach us our duty : for why have we peace from the world, finne, death, the devil! ; but that we fhould (erne the Lord in reghteoufneffeand true holine/fe, all thedayes ofour lives! Thus in the From whom a Sam. 7. 1. when Davidhad peace from his enemies, he made this being freed we ore of it; he refolved to build up a houfe for the ferviceof God. So are the more i Neely co [erve let this (litre us to ferve God confidently; for why are wee delivered God. fromour enemies, who arc fpoyled, but that we might ferve the Lord Ephefians Chap, q.,