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+76 pteframs, Chap, +. V ER.9, true there, but much more here, that to know that we have no ftrength, to be nothing in our felves, but all things in Chrift, is our viétory. We tnuft fay therefore with the Apoftle, 1 can doe all things rhtl.4, t. I Cor. If. 57. g J` J` lren throughchri //{{ thenin , me : Thanker beta god, who path givenus $ viaory throughour Lord lefus Chrifl. The z. benefit cloth follow, ofgiving gifir; which giveth us to confider, Dolt. Whenceit is that we have theft fpiritaallgraces, even fi cm hence, that We are en- Chrifl isglorified and afcendedinto h ricked with eaven. Ioh. 7.39 Ir is Paid, TheSpi_ giftsby and rit war not yet gtYen, becaufnChrift wadnot yetglorified. Looke as Cap. upon ChriMs taines, after they have prevailed againft the cncmie, when now they etæaüon. are returned home, doe deale part of their booty here and there: So Chrift t p led his hisfvourstort h hofe that are riches of glor, as two perfuns contracted, when they have left one another, doe then fend each the other tokens; fo Chrift now afcended doth by us : Or as a King at hiscoronation doth give liberally here and there; fo Chrift afcended intohis Kingdome, doth fenddowne into the bofome of his Church a more abundant and plentiful) effufionof his graces. Tie z. So that we fee here that we Rill have Chrift ir, fome fort preferir with us, thoughhe be bodily abfent. z z. We fee how that thisabfence in the flefh is beneficiall to us, it Chrias bodily occafioneth us themore abundant refenceof be- p Spiritual) gifts. Ioh, 16. ncficiall unto 7. It is expedient foryou that i got away:for ifIgoenot away, the Com- forter will not come unto you; but if 1 depart, Iwill fend himuntoyou. If we hadChrift inbody prclent, we fhould fo hang on him by the eye ofthe body, that the eye of faith would not be fo cleare as it is, our hope would not be fo lifted up toheaven as it is. 3. 3. We fee what we muff labour to looke at by faith, even Chrift glorioufly afcending intoheaven; then wefhail get fomething, force z zing. :.931Cpirituall gift (hall drop from him uponus. It is raid of Eli/bah, that o if hefhould feehitmerrier afcending, then hefhonldhave hit fpirit doubled, but it is no leffe trueofall us, that if we by the eye of faith fee Chrift afcended in glory, hisSpirit (hall in force meafure come upon us. Vors s 9. V E x S. 9. Now inthat he afcended , what is it but that he alf de- fcendedfirli into the lowe/Iparts ofthe earth Now followeth the declaring of the teftimony againft a double exception : z. That whereas Chrifts Afcendingwas alocall moving, Af cending in thePfalme was nothing but manifefting glory, as Godis faid to Afcendon high, when he dorh execute judgement. z. That the PfalmiJl fpeaketh of the God of ifrael, not of Chrift as the Apofiledoth confier it : The Apoftle there- fore lctteth downe magifiraliter two conclufions again(' there Exceptions. Firft, that the afcending onhigh in the Pfalme is fpoken in regardof defcending,