VIER . 9. 6phefians, Chap. 4. 4.77 defcending, yea locali defcending to the nether parts of the earth : afcending muff be fo taken as defcending,to which it is oppofed : but the defcending was to the nether parts of the earth locally,therfore afcending mull be fo likewife conceived. 2. He that being God defcended, he itis that afcendeth,but Chrifl onely defcended, Erge, Vic. Now for opening of the words : wee mull know, z. What is meant by De[tending. z. What is meant by thenether parts of theearth. 3. What, by Afcendingabove all heavens. 4. What byfilling all things. r. There is a threefold defcending which may be afcribed to ChrifI. z. His Incarnation and manifefling in the flefh, in regard where- of Chrift God is faid to defcend, becaufe he manifefled his pretence here below with us, not that hecame where hewas not before; but this is not chiefely here meant, becaufe this is no proper defcending, and thereforenot fo anfwerable to the afcending here fpokenof; becaufe he fpeaketh of Chrifl, not asto take flcfh, but as being already made manifeft in the flefh. z. Afecond Defcending, which is the abafing himfelfe incon- dition. 3. A third,which is the yeeldingof his body to the grave : this laft is here principally meant, yet fo asthe 'late ofabafement is tobe conceived with it. The lowerparts ofthe earth.] Thefc words have adouble conftruEli- on, from a double confideration of the earth, as it is confidered with the heavens, oras the partsof it arc confidered with it felfe. The fIrfl fenfe is the lowerparts ofthe earth,or parts ofthe earth,which are the lowefl parts oftheworld. But this is not here fo good a conflrullion, becaufe it doth not anfwere to aboveall theft heavens, in the verfe fol. lowing, where the terminus of his afcenfion is not limply made to be heaven,butthe highefi heavens,comparedwith thefe lower and vifible heavens. Another then and the truc fenfe is, the lowerparts ofthe earth, thatis, the grave, whichwas lower thenthe other earth, for though it was a rocke, yet it waswithin the earth hewen, Mat. 27. 6o. So that they wereglad to floope that looked into it; this is that our Saviour calleth the heartoftheearth. Every thing betweene the top and the bottome,by that Hebrewphrafe is called the heart or more inward part ofa thing, and thus Pfal. 63.9. this phrafe may be taken, Theft thatfieke myfault to deflrey it, fhallgee into the lower parts of the earth: this is the trueconftrudion. Some confler itofLimbo,fome of Chrifls defcent to hell, buttheft are things without authority ofScripture. 2.Thedefcent ofhell,is a thing not neceffary,as Bellarmineconfeffeth; a thing held by tradition, as cAvdradius, 3. Thence Chrift afcended whither he defcended:but the Gofpell hath not atittleofhis afcending our of hell. _ T t 3 For Aihreefold de- fending may be afcribed to Chrill. Chrillsdefcen- ding into the lower partsof theearth, is his lying in the grave. Iohnno. f. Matt x. 40. Pfal. 63.9. Agáinll Chrills defcen- ding into hell.