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V E R. 15. Ephelians, Chap. 4.. 50I though they have no found reafon, yet they have fophifticall fhowes: and falfhood hath fuch acolour fometime,that the feemethtruer then truth it felfe. Let us whet up our diligence, and flye tohim whobath treafures ofwifedome andknowledge, that he would keepe us in his nigh, and make us defcry things that differ. Let Paftors and Teachers out of a cautelous feare be carefull to keepe their people out of there huckfters hands. Every bad leaven whichfuch feducers fpread, doEtrines of licentiouftïeffe and riot under the name of liberty or fuch like; we muff encounterthefewolves, and keepeour flockes untouched of them. What a pity is it when they doe by life and doctrine udificareadgehennam, that none is found,who hathcourage once to barkeat it Laftly, it niuft teach us a godly wifedome, and by learning the flrength of thefemen,their engines, to be forewarnedagainft the dan- ger ofthem.lf the tongue of Angels shouldwithdrawus fromChrift oranyof histruth, theLordgive us power toaccurfe themand turne from them as molt dangerous Syrens. VERSE 15. Bat let usfollow thetruthin love,andin all thingsgrow up into him whichis the head, that is, Chrift. Now followeth what we are todoe; we areto grow up : for this is the principali duty, the other is but the way, or meane by which wee may grow up. But to open the verfe: it mutt be knowne that this phrafemay be otherwife conftrued, Let we be true in love, that is, love truely, without hypocrifie : but feeing the word fignifieth to fpeake truth, doe truely, follow truth, the laft fenfe is here fitteft. I. Becaufe of the oppofition, Let us not be led with every winde of Dottrine, but let us follow the truth. 2. Becaufe the Wordof truth is the meanegoing before our grow- ing up. r Pet. 2. 2. Is new borne babes deft e the fineere milke of the Word, that yemay grow thereby. In Leve.]It may be underftood either love in regardof the truth,or love mutuall of one toanother : the latter fenfe is here to be taken, both becaufe itis fpoken abfolutely [in Love:] not in love of it : and the next verfe doth film, that this is a gracethat doth build or increafe all the body, and therefore fitly fet before our grow- ing up. It may be asked what it is, togrow up inall things? 4nfo,. That as an infant groweth not in one, but in everymember : fo we thould grow every way, in every member, in every grace that belongeth to the new creature. What is it togrow up in Cbrift? Anew. To have more and more union withhim and fellowfhip in his fpirir. The film is this. " Let us not be led withwinds ofdoûrin, but follow thetruth, " yealet us fo follow the truth,as that wemay remember to keepe " the bond of love Inviolable, andby thismeanes, let us grow up, " not (land at a flay, in every part of the new creature, further and t. furthergetting Unionand Communion with Chrifk. X x 3 In rfe 2. VERS: I (. What to grow up in all things. What to grow up in Chtifi. r