5o2, Ephefians, Chap. 4. ji g R. IS, TAIn the verteare two things: Commandement. A. meaneofperformance. DBf. We mug flick to the truth. Ourfollowing the truthinclu- deth three things. Mat. t1. t z. z Theft. z. to, ut. Ads CS. Jude v. 3: rte I. Many faulty in not follow - ing, and how. Yfe 2: In themeant r: The Duty. z. The Manner. r. Themanner, in all.things: In the Commandement to grew. 2. The Perlon intowhdm; into himwho is the head,that it, chrifl. Firft, then,we have to confider, What isthe duty of ea that have the Minifiery, we muff notfollow thefedaeing offalfe teachers, but the Word of truth, Prov. 23.23. Buy thetruth, be fo affcéted that you will (pare no colt tomake purchafe of thetruth, and Prov. 2. Wemuftdiligent- ly feeke beforewe Can come to know the doctrineof Gods feare. To fpeake more particularly, this following the truth includeth 3. things. a. Wemuff give it the hearing, attend on it, Prov. 8.Bleffed is he that attendeth at the gatesof wifedome. The Primitive Church kept clofe to the Apoftles dotrine, they continuedin it, Aû. 2.42. 2. We muffaffect it, delire it, z Pet. 2.2. Defirethefincere milkeof the Word : the dollrine of the kingdome fuffereth violence; the viplent takeit : 'We mutt love it, not having love ofthe truth, maketh the hea_ rers ofit begivenup to delafaon: Joy ii9 it, Alls 13.48. WhenPaulwas Pent to Preach the Golpell to the Gentiles; they wereglad, andglarified the Wordof the Lord. When Samaria received the Word, they refry. ced at the Preaching ofPhilip. 3. To love the truth is, if needebe, tojuflifie her, andarive for the maintenance of her, as Saint rude exhorteth, contend for the mainte- nanceofthefaith oncegiven to theSaints.For though this agreeth tothe teachers ina more excellent degree, yet rude requireth it of the com- mon Chriftiaos. Though the Captáine mull bettirre him in a more eminent manner for his Countries fafety, yet euery common foul- dier muff frike in his order. This then thus opened doth ferve to reprove many that will not come forth to heart the Word, that thinke leffe of it would doe bet. ter, account of it as a feedeof diflenfion, ftrange humour, idleneffe. And thoughmany of us cannot be reproved on fuch termes, yet if we !coke at affeCingthe truth, contending for it here we may be ta- kentardie. Howmanyof us are full of this mearee Manna is wea- rifome. Howmany, like (tones, have no affeótions, thatthoughwe come forthand beare the pipe,yet we neitherrejoyce nor lament at itt And for defending it, weare ungrounded in the Principles ofit. In the fecond place we muff be ffurred up tofollow the truth, to attend onit, to defire it, entertaine it with joy : this is the funne that fhineth to as indarkenefí'e, it is the feede that begetteth us, the milke and meare that nourifheth us, yea it is the breath of our noftrills. As the living creature on the earth cannot livewithout the benefitof ayre, no morecan we, if we draw not in this Spirit of hismouth, this Wordof truth. Obferv. 2. That we naafi joynewickfollowing the troth,fincere love one to