5o4. I Ephefaans, Chap. 4.. V E R.15. rfr z. We muff ex- aminour (elves concerningour growth. P101.314. Doi/. We muff grow in every grace. a Thel:57.3 Y(e.' It is an un- feemely thing nor togrow ineverygrace proportio nably. on, that we should ftill ftrive ro come forward. Wee think it isgood to keepe on an even courfe inReligion, neither tobe the firft, nor the Tall; and if one make conscience of that thisyeare, which we know he didnot Rick at heretofore, then wecenfure it as green-headed curio- fity and lightneffe. Groffe men! as ifit were tobe condemned in an Infant, that it is bigger at two yeares old , then when it was borne. Others, though theyfpeake not in fuchlanguage , yet they fall from their firfi love, from that lifeand power which they have fometimes had; thefe may feare left God cutthem downe as unprofitable trees. We muff be exhorted toexamine our felves, whether we grow as our duty is; we will weekelyand yeerely cafeup our books, fee how the matterof our estategoeth on, much more mule we keepan Audit, and feehow it farethwith our foules , whether all goe forward well there or no ; Ifwe findean incrcafe, then it is well, if not, wee muff doubleour diligence, Forgetthat which is pa. l, fecke and ftrive to that whichwehave notyet attained. Rich men can never finde the way out ofthe world, becaufe they thinke not fo much what they have, as what theywould have; fo should it be withus in grace, Rill on the growinghand, knowing, that whofoever fhall fit dowse, and ref himfelfe in his mediocrityand poore measureofgrace received,with,. our labouring to come to furtherperfeétion, that man neveryetfet right foot forward in the wayof fanótification. Inall things.] Obf. That we that are true ChrJians, muff come on as well inonegrace asanother. Wee mule not walke by halves, or obey God with refervation,but Tooke as the body groweth in all members, fomull we Mall graces, which are as members in this new creature, growup to perfection. 2 Cor. 7. Tofull holineffe. The Godofpeaee fanllifie youthroughout, in foule, body, and birit. And a Pet. t. 5. the Apostlebiddcth them joyne withfaith venue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godlineffe, brotherly kindnefe,love.And Phil.4.8. 'fatty thing begood, jut!, true, pure, ofgood report, ifany vertue, anypraife,follow theft things. This dothmeet with fetch, as liketiered, de many things,but in fome they hate to be reformed : Others, that in weakneffe, though fay,the Lord be mercifull in fuch a thing : others, that think thisis too much toputoffal( corruption, to come on in every grace, mencannot deny themfelves every thing; What would we haveof theme howReligi- oust' doe they not thus and thirst' And to comeneererour felves, wee grow not inall things as we should, for this mule be marked , that a child doth notonelygrow inevery part, but with a due proportion befeeming each member. Howmanyofus, fotne havegood parts of affeétions and obedience, but are weake in knowledge ; Some have great knowledge, but come short in obedience : now this is ill befee- ming thenew creature. Looke at our naturaliman,if one shouldhave theheadofaman, but hands and legs ofan infant were itnot ftranger Ifone should have the hands and legsofa man, and the headofa little childe, wereit not monftroust' So it is ingrace,to fee ripe knowledge, but