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V'á R. Is, Epbefiant,Chap. 4.. 505 but no hand or foote, no working , nor walking accordingly : So to fee one zealous , well difpofed ro the work and way of God , but ofweake. fcnfes, dilute uudetftanding which might ferve for his di- reeticn. We mutt then labour togrow up in every grace, and that with due. proportion. We muft marke where our. foules are weakeft , and doe for them as we doe for the body. If this or that member in our bo- dies waft above the ref#, we will in our diet Co feed all, that ifthere be any thing more reftórative to that weake part, we will make choice of it : So we fhould nourifh all graces, but principally draw in that word which may ftrengthcn thee in thofe graces, which thou perceiveft, moil enfeebled. intohimwho is the head, that is Chriff.] Obferve, Thatall ofus are boundfurther roger our(elves knit with Chrifl, and the communionofhis Spirit d:vefling in us. We muft not beginto believe, but we muft pro- ceed fromfaith to faith : Grow in knowledge of!cfrsss Chrifi: As yeehave received Chrift , fo wolke in him, rootedandeßabls,/hed in thefaith, and abounding in it, for in himdwelleth allfaintfre, in him dwelleththePerm ofthe Son ofGod bodily, inhim is unfearchable riches,as you haveheard, chap.3. When a young plant is new fet, the roots areof fmall depth in the earth, one may pull them up with a hand; but as the tree fhooteth up in height and bearing fruit, fo it flrikeththe roots deeper and deeper downeward, fo that no force can move it. So ina building, 'tones new laid, while the mower is yet greene, maybe pecked and plucked out, but when the Cement isdryed, and they are funkedowne, and throughly fetled upon the foundation , they are more clofely joyned to it then they can be eafily moved : So it is inus, we havenot for de- gree, fo firme and neere conluu lion with Chrift ; but the more wee live in him, like good treesfpreading in the fight ofall men,and bring- ing forth the fruits of righteoufneffe , the morewee come to root downeward,hy a more firme confrdenee,which loth bring us to have a firmerconjunflion and more neere unionwith him. Our union is an- fwerable unto that whichuniteth us, as thecattle is in degree greater or lefiler, the effed is anfwerable. Now at the firft, faith is weake, like a bruited reedand fmoaking weake, but while faith (holding Chrift) Both draw the fpirit from him which maketh it fruitfull in good works, the more it exercifeth, themore it is ftrengthened : Even asin babes, their powers every day at firft are feeble , but the more they feed and exercife, the more theywaft the redundant moifture which beforeenfeebled their faculties, and now putforth ilrength inall their operations. Pater, when faith was weake , at the voiceof a Damfell was (haken, but by walking a while in Chrift, he was fo tooted, that threarnings, whippings, imprifonmerit, conventing before great pow- ers, martyrdome, nothingcould (hake him. So that we muff not grow with the Papifls, who grow into Saints, Angels, men, into the VirginMary,thePope, the Saintsdeparted,for theirbeliefe is in thefe; they forfake their mercies, they leave him that is Yfe. We muh ob. ferne what grace is moll defeftive,and fpecially che- rifh that; Dell; We muft grow into clofer union with Chrift ; Rom.r. t7. a Per.; 18. Cols,6,7. fe i. Not with Stints depar- ted or Angels: