X06 Ephefians, Chap.4. s R.16. = cor.r.3o. ù made wifdome, righteoufneffe, fanti`ification, redemption; They leave Ter. :r ;. the fountain ofliving waters, and betake them to dry Cifierns. Theywill fay;Why,we truft onChrift too. Nnfw. No,any thing joyned with Chri(t in matteroffalvation, overthroweth Chrift : and Col. a. 18. When theyheld the mediation of Angels, on the fame ground the Papifts doe, the Apoftle faith, they forfooke, and didnot hold thehead. Chrift Jefus. Pie a; Wemuli be furredupmore andmore to know and affe % our Sa- We rout to viour, toget him living in us byhis Spirit ; Wee mutt fooft as by the end ogre- Wordor Sacraments, God reneweth the promife ofChrift, or Coin- °"v our fai mandement ofbeleeving on Chrift, we muttrenew our faith ; IfGod fay,Growup in Chrift, our hearts fhould anfwer withan Echo, Lord, thy fcrvant will grow up in him. When would an ambitious Cúurti- er be weary ofbeing graced by his Prince! Whenwould a worldling be weary ofhaving theworld come in upon hime of growing in fub- fiance! We fhould be heavenly ambitious and covetous, we fhould never beeweary of infinuating our felves by faith and affeetíon into Chrift, ofgetting the rich gifts of his grace from him; he isthe Head, that anointed of God , who hath the oyle of gladnefíe above his brethren, that we may receive fromhis fulneffe. yfe 3. This fhould exhort us to walke on without fainting, hold on in Themore we Chri(t, this will bring us further and further into Chrift. What if walk to t thou ftandeft not fo firme a What if little windes feeme to fluke dime we (hall go on, thou (halt grow rooted in him thou knoweft not how, yea, be rooted in while thou doeft thus, ( though thou fhakeft) thy roote doth ftrike him. lower and lower into Chrift. Manyare moved to think howweakly and loofely theyare fattened, how fienderly theyare rooted inhim : But to be rooted, is not everybelievers flare, I meane thus deeply rooted; this is the condition which theyattaine, who have long wal- kedin Chrift. o6jctl. But what then! if Chriflians bee not at the firft rooted, a weak faith maybe quite overthrowne. vinfw. True, if it benot rooted in anymanner, but this theyare Degrees ofta from theirfirft fetting into Chrift by faith, yea fo rooted, that they king root in (hall never fall altogether; but thisis a higherdegree ofrooting,which Chrift. doth not oncly Phut out falling, which the other doth allo, buteven that fhakingand more fearfull tottering for the molt part, which trees may haveand(rand nevertheleffe, to whichthe former degree is fub- jeét on feeling every wind. I fay,for themoll part,for fuchmay be the ftrength of temptationanddefertion meeting, that rooted David may fhrewdly totter. VERSE 16. VERSE. 16. Bywhom all thebody being coupled andknit together by every jeynt,forthefurniture thereof (according to the effetiaall power which is inthe meafureofeverypart) recei'veth increafeofthe body, unto theedifyingofitfelfein love. Now having mentionedChrift , he joyneth a defcriptionofhim from his relation to the Church,andefficacy init : For the bettercon - ceiving