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V ER.16. Epbefianf,Chap. ¢. thing inour fives, out of himwe are nothing, yea we confeffe thatit is not we, but his grace in us which doth make ús grow úp. Againe when we finde lackeof this or that grace, we mutt looke to Chrift by faith, aswho onely can augment it in us; the fpirit is with- out meafure onhim, that wefromhimmight receive grace for grace . in a meafure convenient. This mutt make us refs onely in Chrift, caring to know nothing bat Yf 2. him, taunting all things dung anddroffe in compari fen of him; fill your Cori. x felves withChrift, and there will be no roome for ought elfe. If a v e'fi Dicta womansheart be full of her husband, the bath no roome for other feeke to be lovers, as beforeI obferved ; fo (hall it be with you, if you fee by aaiof Chrift faith that your eftate is full in Chrift, lacking nothing, what will you care to looke further t This fhould invite men to Chriff,How is the cafe altered,ifapoore Yfe 3. woman fhould marry a Princes the !hall be no leffe a Queen= theft he aking : Soifwe blind, naked, beggerly things, marry this Prince of glory, ourpoverty shall be exchanged with riches. a. That he faith, the bodyknit together] with him, fay, and onewith Doti. another, receiveth increafe : this doth teach us, That before we can have we mull be anything in ChrijI, wemail becoupled to him : if amember be cut of joh e before d from the body, it cannot receive any thing from the head : fo ifwe be we rón etc not joynted with Chrift, we cannot have the influence ofthat life of ggrace from gracewhichcommeth from him, a lob. 5. i i. This is the tefimony, Godbath given us life, and that life is in the Sonne. But how comewe, or when,to have-its 1* that bath the Sonne bath this life. But it maybe objected, our being in Chrift doth nit bring -us to' objea, this life, for there arebranches.inChrift dead and fruitleffe. There is a double being in Chrift andknitting with Chrift; the one in a folabe is bythe external! bonds of profeffion: theother by an internal! bond ing =brut, ofatrueand lively faith. Now our knitting in the firft kinde doth byy rofefiion not helpe, but in the fecond, if we be coupled with him our head, nwaydor ii. we (hall receive increafc fromhim:If a graffebetyed to aftocke with a thread,it receiVeth not the fappe of theftocke, neither is it fruitful!, but ifit be engraffed, then it liveth in the ftocke: fo it isbetwixt Chrift and us, if byalively faith we be fet and engulfed into him, we then fhall live in him. Wherefore as wewould live with the life of Chrift, fo we mat get our Union withhim througha true and lively faith. For by faith Gerwe rhie] weare united with Chrift, fo that we come to have Communion in °n`on wich ,him. all that is Chrifts : for even as a graffe fet into a ftocke , partaketh with it in the fappe and life ofit, andas a woman now truely and law- fullymarried toa man, commeth to have promotion in him and joynt poffeffionof all good thingswith him, thuswe being truely onewith Chrift, have all our debts anfwered by him, haveright in his righte. oufneffe, yea we receive that quickening Spirit filing into us, from him our head. According to theefficacie which is in every patt.] Obfetve, Haw that Y y Chrift. 509