110 Doff. Chriltworketh inusaccording to theplace we have ìn the body. Vfe 1. Vfe2. Doe. We mull in- creafe our grace we have, and build up others with it. Meaner ro edi- fie one ano- ther. Hcbao.u4. i Pet.;.z,t. tiebto. i.;'. Ephefians, Chap.q.. V g R. 16. Clsrift worketh in us according to thatplacewe ruftaine in his body. So the foule worketh in the body that it giveth each member that encreafe onely which is proportionable and fitting to it; both in refped of the neceffities of our particular callings, and as is agreeable to the capa- cityof every one, being fuch and fuch members in the Myflicall body. The which confideration that we have increafebut forone member, muff make us carefull and tender of keeping communionwith all our fellow members, for if the eyecan but fee, if it will have the hand handle for it, the footegoe for it, then itmuff keepe with thehand and foote. It dothcomfort us that whatfoever wants be in us, yet we (hall re- ceive that growthwhich is fit for us : for as if the parts shoote outbe- yond meafure, fo if they be fhrunke inmore then due, it is a blemish and imperfeetion,fuch as (hall not befall that body which hathneither fpot norwrinkle, but is every way perfect. Receiveth encreafe to edifie it felfe. ] Obf. What we mu; doe with the gracewe receivefrom Chrift, we mull increafe further, and buildwith it grace in ourfeelves, andothers. He that bath moll muff fo ufe it that he muff make it more : and everyprivate Chriffian is bound to impart the grace he bath to the goodof others. Edjeyourflves in your moft holyfaith, Judeao. Which is fpoken to private Christians, teaching them what theyare todocone to another. Of this 3. things, r. By what meanes weare to edifie one another. 2. Ho' this canbea duty belonging to private Chrilians,fee- tngthey are the building, theMinisters ofthe Wordare thebuilders. 3. The Ufe. r. The meanes are the dutieswhich tend to edification, and they are oftwo forts : Either fuch as prepare us.or goe before; Orfuch as are joyned with the effeét it felfc. The thing that prepares us, is the diligent obferving and marking oneofanother. Confider one another: for though to pry into others, that we may havea hole in their coat; andknow how to take them downe, is a curious playing the bufie.body; yet for good purpofe ro marke one another, is a frutte of Chrifrian love. Theduties bywhich we helpe forward one another are in deede, or word. For by good example we build oneanother,yea thofe that are without. Hereupon the Apoffleexhorteth wives to be infubjetlion to their owne hrubands,that if any obey not the Word, theymay without the Word be woo by the good couverration of thewife. ByWord, partly by inffrueting, admonifhing, by provoking, exhor- tingone another,by reproving, Levit. 19. 17.(..244t. 18.1$. by comfor- ting, r Mel. 4. ult. And by these we doe not oncly increafe andcon - firme gracein fuch ashand, but rejlarefuch asarefallen, Gal. 6.1. For.