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VER. 16. 8phefians,Chap.q,: For the fecond, we mull know, r. That God doth build thisbody. on this rocke swill buildmy Church. a. The Minifters of God : I as a mafier builder have layd the foundation, and others build thereupon. 3. Every private Chriftianhath a part in it. The difference is this; God dothput out all the of icacie and vertue, that doth create this bo- dy, the Minifters as inftruments publique, whom he hath joyned to himfelfe by vertue of publiquecalling : How (hall they preach unleffe they be feat,: Rom. co. Every private Chriflian is an inftrument, privat- ly doing that which the Minifter doth in publicke by vertue of the bondofbrotherhood, or fome more neeee relation, as the husband, father, matter,build thole that are fubjeâ to them, becaufe thefe pri- vatebonds doe tye them hereunto. TheLife tous is, we mull learnewhether we live and grow up in Chrill; if we have hearts that are fet to fpread grace and increafe it in our felves and others; ifwe can inilruet, provoke, rebuke, comfort one another in the Lord, it is anevidence thatour felves doe live and increafe in the body : the fmell of an oyntment will not be held in be- tweene the fingers, fire will call hcate : fo this fire and oyntment of grace cannot but manifeft it felfe to others, and avhofoever doth not ayme andgive fome endeavour to this that he may edifie others, he never knew thegraceofGod in truth. InLove.] 6bferve, Through love we come to helpe forwardthe woke ofgrace inothers. The Apoflle faith of knowledge that it puffethup, but he giveth this commendationof Love, that it edifeth. For we with- out love could not receive this increafe our felves, nor*enefit others, this being the effeetof love, it doth make men partakers in the graces one of another, and Both make men impart what they have received, and that fruitfully. What maketh a member in the body receive nou- rifhmentfrom another, but this,that it is knit to theother e So if love doe not knitus together, we could not receive any thing each from other. Secondly,love dothmake us impart that we have fruitfully,for love makethus communicate that we have, Love is bountiful!, loveenvieth not, eh'c. Thirdly, love maketh us beflir our felves in that which may helpe theparty beloved, Love isdiligent. Fourthly, lovedoth makeus avoid every thing that may offend our brethren. Fifthly, itdothmakeus beare with ignorance and rudeneffe, Love if Patient. Sixtly, it dothmake the duties we performe to others, acceptable with them, forfireakes in love are better welcome then kifs in hatred. Wemuff then labour for this grace of love, ifwe will-receive or doe good one to another; if we have love, no excufes will kcepe us from doinggood toour brother. I have afriend, he is a great man, Iwould admonifhhim, but I fhould lofe his countenance : felfe-love will make us finneagain(t our neighbours routes, and fee them perifh Y y 2 rather 51I God, the Mi_ niter, andpri- vareChriltians build the Church. But withdiffe- rence. vfè. Doll. Love will put us forward to edite others. r Cor. 8.3. e Cor. r e Th., r.;. t Cor.r3e7. Prov.zy.i. vfe. But.el.e love will hinder us.