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512 Ephefianf Chap.4. VER.17. VERSE 17. D.U. Miniftert with proreftation muff enforce the wayesof God. Nch.y.29.34. Efay t, a. Y. rather then ventureour ownc difcafements, or forgoe our owne liber- ties and Idle will. VERSE 17. This Ifay therefore and teflifie in the Lord,that ye hence. forth walks not as other Gentiles walke,in the vanity oftheir mind. Now the Apoflle commeth to lay downe exhortation negatively to the 22. verfeofthe next Chapter, more generally to the 25. verfe ofthis Chapter, more particularly afterward. The generali negative precept is, That they fhouldnot walkem otherGentiles: the matter from this to the 25. verfe is fitly thus contrived. I.He maketh a preface,Thisi fay therefore andte(li Me in the Lord. 2. He layeth downe the precept. 3. He giveth a rcafon. ThePrefacehath two branches. 1. An afleveration,i fay and teflifre. 2. Themanner of it, ix theLord. Whichphrafe noteth three things: r. Thename or authority. 2. In the pretence. 3. By venue and ftrength miniftred from the Lord. The Commandement is generally propounded,then more fpecially declared : generally propounded, Walke not as other Gentiles. Why, howwalke they ± the fpeciall explication, in the vanityoftheirminds, that is, in vaineconverfations, which their minds teach andadvife. The reafon ftandeth thus : Suchawe unlike, their Converfation muff beunlike : butyour Eftates are unlike. This part he giveth usto gather from the next words, in whichat large is laid downe the diverts conditionof theGentiles, from them who noware brought to knowChrift. To come roCome inftruCtions:l 1. Here then we fee the Apoftolique fervencie commeth to bee noted, whoBoth not contenthimfelfe to fpeake it, but doth by tefti- fication enforcehis deportation, that it might more forcibly enter in- to them. Obferve hence, The Mini_fiery the Wordmull both fpeake, and with proteflatlon en- force thewayes ofGod. Thus c ltofes, Deut. 2. z9. Ifyouforget the Lord, l 1 tcflifre to you, ye (hallperil!), yea, hecalled heaven and earth to,itneffe the fame with him. So the Sermons of the Prophetsare faid to bee, proteftations wherewith Godprote /led again/this people.;Tbus the Pro- phet Efay begins, Heartoheavens andhearkeno earth, be. Aad this, manner of deliverydoth often, through theworke of Gods Spirit, more affeti the confcience and maketh the fentenccpierce likeas an headed arrow doth above another. Wherefore it isgood for difpenfers of the Gofpell to imitate this Apoftolicall fpirit, and in the name of God to proteft and teftifieto their people the will ofGod.Prophane mendo confierfuch phrafesas the paffions ofmenin thefpirit : but thefe things bodily imitated lball not provejells with thofe that deride them. The