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V s R.17. Epheflan.t, Chap. g... 513 The fecond thing that he faith, he teftifieth in the Lord, i. e. with ftrength fromChrift,as in the pretenceofGod : Obf. What we #eak, Daïl. we mull doe it as inthefight, asfrom God enabling rts. So the Apoftle, W,00áóo s Cor.2.17. As offincerity, hot as ofGodin thefight ofGod., fleake wee infhe Lords in Chrifl; forall our ability to the leafb thing, isfrom the Lord, we cannot power. think agoodthought; and the letting of our felves as in the fight of Chrift,dothmake us fpeake in all fincerity,Speake the word as the Word s Per.4. rr. ofGod. We mull therefore labour to fee that all our help and fufficiency Pfc. ilandeth in the Lord, and our (elves andothers mull therefore intreat the Lord toenable us for thefe things, for which who is fufficient . forfake our owne wifdome and become fooles, that God may make us wife through faith : Goe not to any duty ofgodlinefi'e in thy owne ftrength, but in fenfe and confcience ofthy owne utterinability, let upon it in andby the power of God. Be flrong in the Lord and in the Fph 6.m. power ofhis might. That yee] who aremembers of Chrift, would not, &c; this wordyee is emphaticall and infinuateth from their prefent condition in the slate ofgrace. Obf. To confider who now we are, muffperfwade as toleave our Dolt oldcourfes : Our condition towhichfaith bathadvancedus, is a great me wOhiehf}ehave tive to avoid theevil way of the world. Ifwe couldhut feriouhyweigh in Chrilt mfe and ponder withour felves fpiritually and powerfully , that wee are avale with n: members of the body whereof Chrift is the head, that wee are the old way::.r temples of the Holy Gholl, that we are a peculiarpeople , a royall Priefthood, the Sonsof God, heires, even joynt heires with Chuff, these things would cloth us with new fpirits, ifwe could heartily dif- cerne them. Everyone that ealleth on the name of the LokdUfa Chrifl, a Dm.,.,.. let him departfrom iniquity;EveryChriftìanprofefferh enough to bind him to all holineffe. Ifyee call him Father ,n'ho without reJfrel? ofperfons a Per. :.rr. judgethall men, pap the time ofyourfojourning here infeare. To fee the childrenofNobles toconfort withbafe ones,it degenerates from true Nobility, and [laines their birth : So for a Chrifti in whofe defccnt is from heaven, borne achild of God,amember of Chrift, and an fiche of everla[tingglory, for fuch a one to live otherwife then becommeth his conditionto whichhe is advanced in Chrift, is moll unbefeeming his holy profeffian. Let us carry our felves anfwerable to our calling and condition in Yfe. Chrift, let us beare upour felves, takeuponus an holy fleeand place, agreeable toour birth and priviledges we receive in Chrift our head : not behave our (elves like beafts ; They that are Ghrii is have crucified the f efhwith the tufts thereof. Thatyehenceforth.] Obf. Thatwe mull not Mendthe time after grace, Doti. as the time before. Or thus : The confederation of the timepall mull move We mote not us unto helineffe; Thus much the Apoftie giveth us to confider, when raPfecea,d" .77 he telleth them, that nowtheymull not doeasbefore theyhad done : we die before. But as he that bath calledyou is holy,fo be ye holy in allmanner ofcover-. Per.r.s4,1t. fatten. The times ofthat ignorancegad winkedat,but now commandeth ad Alts 17.3o. Yy 3 men