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514- l Tit,a.t t. Eph.z. Ephef.5.8. We tuft reco. ter our loft time. I net.q.et3 Doïl. ch asare called to faith mull not be sets e.+o, Jam.t. ts. y fi I. Micter, muff call offthe ogodnforly fmirom n cg to the world. Ephefianl, Chap.4. V II R. 17. mento repent. Thegrace ofGodbath nowappeared to oilmen , teaching us to deny all ungodline/Je endworldly lulls , and to live righteouJly andfo- berly in this prefent world. Reafón I. For firft, it ismore to Gods difhonour, and our own dan- ger,to finafter grace, for Godwill be fandified in allthat come time to him,or he wil by his judgements fanEtifiehitnfelf in them,the times of ignoranceGodcloth not fo ftriétly looke to. z. Weeshouldbe worfe fervants toGod and holineffe, then wee were to finne and the Devill; for when we were in the flefh, we walked after theDevill, and were free men from righteoufneffe. 3. The timeof graceit felfeincludeth aperfwafion, for it is a day wherein theSun of righteoufneffefhineth in our hearts,as the time be. fore our converfion was a night;now the day is not for works ofdark neffe, but of light, walke therefore as childrenafthe light. 4. It is great injuftice to fpend thetime after grace in the tuftsof our owne hearts:forwould we not think ourfelves wronged,ifhaving hired one towork here or there , hee should goe loyter or fwaggerin this or that blinde houfe e So when we are called by God to know him effeftually, we are then hired to worke in his vineyard , to worke out our ownefalvation with feareand trembling; Nowwhat injury is this toftand idling and yeeld our fervice to the Devill, being hired with hilt' ! The ufc therefore is, that howfoever we have fpcnt the time here. tofore, yet we wouldnot henceforth continue any finfull courtes : if agood husbandhath loft an bower or two, he will think that enough for that day, hewill ply the remainderof time for the finifhingof his bufineffe, fo tuft we ; Let itfulfice (faith Peter) that the timepall of yourlife was mifbent after the lullsoftheGentiles ova/king inwantonne ffe, in hills, in drunkenneffe, in gluttony, andin abominable idolatries that henceforth we live after thewill ofGod. Teewalke not as other Gentiles.] Obf. That wee who are brought to faithmull not live like them that have not fellowlhip in thefamegrace. Rom.Ia. I ,a. I befeechyou by the tender mercies ofGod that you would not conforme your felves to thefa/hions of the world. And Peter, Ads z. biddeth the Chriftian Jews now converted, take heed, andfavethem- felves from the other, who though theywere outwardly the people ofGod,yet he calleth themafroward generation. And thus here the Apoftle dothbid thefe Ephefians, not toprofefl'e as others profeffed, nor to walke like other menof the world, wholly taken upin Peeking and following theprofits , pleafures and vanities ofthe world, inaf- much as they were chofen out of the world , and regenerated by the wordoftruth, that they might be as a firfi-fruits ofhis creatures. This therefore we mutt warne you of, that ye walke not as thofe hat have no fellowthip in the grace ofGod : What iffome livebrea- king the Sabbath!What ifthey negleâ private exercifes anddutiesof prayer in their families ! What iftheymake no confcience of their gaine a What ifthey jell andmock at better things then they will imitate!